The rank and file fears "apostates" hence jws will not accpet any evidence or arguments from succh like ones. The mind set automatically rejects any charges against the WTS without examining facts obejectivle because the wts cannot be wrong.By definition Jws view the wts as God's agency, so it cannot be wrong and even if it is wrong, it is for a reason that God is allowing it and it is God's arrangement and not the business of the rank and file to judge for themselves on that but,to leave it in J's hand and in time it will be taken care of. In law that is called a CATCH ALL, which is sometimes the power that a judge is empowered with by the state to use his discretion and do whatever the hell he wants, pardon the phrase.
It is true that the WTS has opoosers that distort facts and trump up charges in order to discredit the WTS, but false accustaions against theWTS do not camcel out real evidence that challenges the Wt and above and beyond WT teachings is the evidence that puts a differebnt spin on and shows another perspective of the Bible, and the concept of God affecting in peoples lives
Hence the rank and files fear alls truth not coming throught the wt channel at the proper time rejecting any facts and leaving their thinking to the wts.
Maybe it is bliss for the rank and file to live oblivious to the dilemas facing the WTS. BUt whether the evidence showing these dilemas come from vitriolic apostates or WT realization, such serious probelms that affect WT existence is real. But bother reaching out or sister hunting for a mate are so involved with wt mntality that they either dont care orthey have a certain mind set that prevets them from accpting evidence from sn objective ppint of view.
I do know for a fact that some indiviuals can see through the facade but stay in the org. I also know that some dont know a thing, but is the rank and file becoming moe aware that things are not "jiving" or adding up. That there is a problem?