JoinedPosts by AntiEntropy
Prince died. The Awake article come across my mind.
by AntiEntropy inenlarge the picture.
music: both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems.
songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records.
I guess that article could make Prince a JW. -
Prince died. The Awake article come across my mind.
by AntiEntropy inenlarge the picture.
music: both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems.
songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records.
Yes, it was 8th, Nov. 1992.
Prince died. The Awake article come across my mind.
by AntiEntropy inenlarge the picture.
music: both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems.
songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records.
Music: Both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems. Songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even Satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records. In some areas, records with such explicit material must carry warning labels. But as the rapper Ice-T reportedly admitted, he puts shocking lyrics in his songs just to earn such a label; it guarantees luring the curious. The rock star Prince sang the praises of brother-sister incest. Often, music videos simply give such crass immorality an added visual dimension. Pop star Madonna’s video Justify My Love won notoriety for portraying sadomasochism and homosexual activity. Even MTV, a U.S. TV channel known at times to broadcast immoral videos with little compunction, refused to air this one.
Once I dealt with his JW story in Korean.
Copyright of 'Crisis of Conscience'
by AntiEntropy inhello,.
i hope to translate coc into a foreign language.. who can own the copyright of that meaningful book?.
i've tried to reach 'commentary press' with all the ways i can use, but i've not been able to communicate with anyone so far.. this project is not a commercial one but i hope to make sure of the copyright thing.. any help will be appreciated!.
Did you want to imply the complex situation of copyright of CoC by asking me to traslate the idom, "can of worms"? Did you?
If then, I disunderstood your question. My wife conjected in that way.
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
I want to believe that the core reason of these debating are due to our LOVES which have basically same object but different philosophies in methodologies in dealing with the precious legacy of Raymond Franz.Deborah must have pure passion to reserve Ray's intention and his and his wife's will. They didn't want it to be scattered public in such a format like PDF that is vulnerable to any twist.Some guys think it would be far much better for CoC to be distributed for free totally so that as many as good people could obtain freedom in conscience by the help of it.Some people like me and my team had desperately searched for copyrighter(you may see my record and many guys had got my questionnaires for years) and failed to find him/her, so first proceeded to translate it but got worried on the matter of the copyright problem. As a matter of fact, we published it on 10th January but got a reply from Deborah on 12th January. Being too sorry, we offered $2,000 copyright fee in advance at once for the 1,000 books(price is $15 and expected sale price would be $10 due to commission of Korean Amazons, so expected total revenue is $10,000 and $2,000 is 20% which is 5% higher than commonly highest copyright-fee ratio in this country). And 500 books were to be freely donated to publich libraries. I wired $1,000 unilaterally. I know it's not a matter of high or low in percentage. I again want to apologize to Deborah for my having been unilateral in processing sensitive things. What can I do for the matter of spilt milk? What I can do may be 2 things, I guess. One thing is Paypal more money if it were acceptable and the other is to get ready to be sued.In a sense, it's a tragedy.I wholeheartedly hope CoC to spread over the world and heal as many as souls hurt by WT.Thanks for you guys' understandings and non-understandings. -
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
We donated approximately 500 books of CoC Korean to public libraries in Korea so far. Commercial selling is not our object.
Japanese Translalator, who wanted to be called just Q, told me :
- To my knowledge, about 2000 copies of the Japanese translation have been sold; that is 100-200 copies every year. The royalty rate is 6% (for the first 5000 copies, thereafter 7%).
I am projecting Korea market is a half size of Japanese one.
It's a too small market to avoid sheer loss.
We all know the publishing company will meet a big net loss this year and it will never recover. That loss does not include any contingent legal cost. Our team consists of patent lawyer, paralegal, English teacher, audiologist, optician, engineer, business owner and etc. Most of our team spent 3 years of their youth of early 20's in jail to do the right thing at that time which is so-called conscientious objection, very religious one in reality.
I recently had a chat with a Chinese guy who are eager to translate CoC into Chinese and help main-land Chinese to be saved from JW's spiritual colonialization into a big market.
I desperately hope to see CoC English at where I bought Crisis of Conscience, In Search of Christian Freedom and Gentile Time Reconsidered several years after I got out of prison and get back to college. It was 15 years ago...
I think it's a life-saving work. How can we turn away from these good people who are being exploited spiritually, financially, mentally and even sexually. How can we wait more?
Next project might be "Captives of a Concept".
UN Library again... The "NGO Resource Center"
by AntiEntropy inas we know, there were at least 2 ways to enter the un ngo bldg : 'ground pass' and 'library pass'.
and the 'ground pass' matters was dealt by many posts in old times.
basically, the policy of 'library pass' had not been chaged before 9.11 as we read.. however, some pro-jws have been insisting that it was not the un ngo bldg.
@ betterdaze,
Thanks for your answer, I did understand when I first saw your post.
By the Facebook record, we could know they move to UNITAR building in 2013, However we can't be sure when the NGO Resource Center left the Dag Hammarskjöld Library. ^^;;
Your answer was great. My question had a miss point.
Many thanks.
UN Library again... The "NGO Resource Center"
by AntiEntropy inas we know, there were at least 2 ways to enter the un ngo bldg : 'ground pass' and 'library pass'.
and the 'ground pass' matters was dealt by many posts in old times.
basically, the policy of 'library pass' had not been chaged before 9.11 as we read.. however, some pro-jws have been insisting that it was not the un ngo bldg.
I left a question to UN DPI :
Hello,I'm studying the Watchtower's history related with UN NGO DPI.(1) When NGO Resource Center moved to the present location? I read a post saying that the center moved from the Bldg in which Dag Hammarskjöld Library is located.(2) Does NGO Resource Center have exclusive information that can't be obtained by the public entities with commonly available tools?(3) Is there any chance for the public to enter and access NG Resouce Center?Thanks for your service in advance. -
Korean News : CoC in Korean
by AntiEntropy inhi bros.. after my father's publishing his book, "15 questions after 40 years of jw" , many ex-jw bros in korea became motivated to rush to the coc korean project.
however any secular project needs a fund eventhough it's a not-for-profit.
fortunately, a bunch of bros decided to donate generously $300~$7,000 to this unprofitable business.
To Simon and other who worry...
I've consulted with Deborah by mails also and I have korean lawyers who let us go forward.
I've always think and think again what Simon wrote someday :
I translated it into Korean many years ago
"Becoming an ExJW should be a process, a stage, and not the final destination that some people make it. We should all aim to become Ex-Ex-JWs and leave everything to do with the WTS behind us. Some will find that easier than others and some have to stick around longer because of friends and family but I think it should be our goal."
ExJW가 된다는 것은 과정 또는 단계여야지, 어떤 사람들처럼 목적지가 되어서는 안됩니다. 우리는 Ex-Ex-Jws가 됨으로 WTS(워치타워협회)와 관련된 모든 것들을 과거의 것들로서 떠나 버리도록 노력해야 합니다. 어떤 이들은 보다 쉽게 그렇게 하지만 어떤 이들은 친구들과 가족 때문에 좀더 오래 [Ex-JW의 상태를] 떠나지 못하고 더 머물러야 하기도 합니다. 하지만 저는 우리의 목적지가 [Ex-Ex-JW가 되어] 떠나는 것이어야 한다고 생각합니다.
. . .
Of course not everyone in 'apostatesville' is nice or friendly. We have come across a few people who have been so obsessed with fighting the WTS for so long that it seems that they have even forgotten what they are fighting about. They are no concerned with helping people but just getting revenge for their own bruised egos. All they know how to do now is fight and it has almost become a hobby to them. They stopped fighting the WTS a long time ago and have become charicatures of the apostates that the WTS warns it's members about.
물론 '배교자마을'(안티증인 사이트 사회를 희화한 표현)의 모든 사람이 좋고 정다운 것은 아닙니다. 때론 WTS(워치타워협회)와의 싸움에 집착한지 너무나도 오래되어서는 투쟁의 대상을 망각하는 사람들도 있습니다. 그런 사람들은 사람을 돕는 일이 아니라 단지 자신들의 상처입은 자아(자존심)의 복수를 하는 일에만 관심이 있습니다. 그 사람들이 할 줄 아는 것이라고는 싸움뿐이어서 싸우는 것이 거의 취미가 되어 버렸습니다. 그들은 WTS와의 투쟁을 오래 전에 그만 둔 사람들로서, WTS가 증인들에게 조심하라고 경고하는, 그런 배교자의 전형적인 부류가 되어버렸습니다.
I don't intend to become like that. There is no point dedicating your life to hurting the WTS - if you do, it means that they are still hurting you, still influencing your life and still have power over you. It's OK to stick around to get some answers or to do something to help others but if people are replacing the WTS with AntiWTS then I think there is something wrong. You have to let it go and leave it behind and live a happy life. That is and always will be the best revenge on the WTS.
저는 그런 사람이 되지 않으렵니다. 협회(WTS)를 공격하는데 인생을 바치는 것은 아무 소용이 없습니다. 만약 그렇게 하실 생각이라면, 그건 협회가 여전히 여러분에게 상처를 주고, 여전히 여러분의 삶을 좌우하고, 여전히 여러분 위에서 권력을 휘두르도록 하는 것을 의미합니다. 정보를 얻기 위해, 사람들을 돕기 위해 [이곳에] 머무르는 것은 괜찮습니다. 하지만 [단순히] 증인생활(WTS)이 안티증인생활로 대치되는 것이라면 그것에는 뭔가 문제가 있다고 저는 생각합니다. 그냥 내버려둬야 합니다. 지난 일이 되어야 합니다. 그리고 행복한 삶을 살아야 합니다. 그렇게 하는 것이 바로 지금도 그리고 앞으로 언제까지도 우리가 WTS에게 할 수 있는 최고의 복수가 될 것입니다.