If you abuse drugs, I would suggest seeking treatment. If you don't use drugs, I would suggest seeking treatment anyway.
JoinedPosts by Pronger1
Rutherford's Death of Joshua still as 1450bc in 2013 Bible revision
by Elijehovah invomiting out what jehovah gives us to eat.
(this is not a suggestion, but rather refers to retractions made by the wt of truths that god jehovah has fed us, but they apparently feel it needs to be discarded.
) at the end of the concordance of the new 2013 revision of the nwt are the dates the bible books were written and time covered.
What if...
by DeWandelaar ini was having a short conversation with my neighbour.
they are very nice people and they are moslim.
because the weather is getting more extremer by the day (all over the world) and it was cold this morning i started talking about the weather.
Climate changes have been far worse even in our recent past. Look up the Little Ice Age. Also we live in a golden age compared to the Black Death period. Or the collapse of the Roman Empire.
Resurrection without a soul that survives death.
by Pronger1 inone thing (among many) that always bothered me about jw teachings is what happens to the soul when we die.
sure god could be capable of creating a body and implanting it with all of our life experiences an memories.
but how would not be a just a clone instead of being actually us?
One thing (among many) that always bothered me about JW teachings is what happens to the soul when we die. Sure God could be capable of creating a body and implanting it with all of our life experiences an memories. But how would not be a just a clone instead of being actually us? The only way to get around that is some essence or soul that exists even beyond physical death that makes us who we are, not just a collection of facts about what we observed and thought in our life times.
If technology developed to the point that all of our memories could be copied into another body, that would just be a copy or a clone. It wouldn't be us. So logically it seems there is something more there, a soul. Otherwise, no one would ever truly be resurrected. God would be creating a copy of us.
A JW can actually debate without repercusion from the Society?
by donny ini ran across a debate on you tube between a jw and a "christian" believer.
did the society recently relax their stand against doing public debates?
Stafford left the org? Haha that is hilarious. I remember all the debates he was involved in on the old H2O board in the late 1990s.
by Bloody Hotdogs! ini've been dying to ask this question for years:.
jws love to say they are not young earth creationists.
surely, then, they must accept that dinosaurs lived long before humans and original sin.
Beyond that JWs claim that before the flood not even animals are other animals. It extends to their belief that in the new system lions won't eat lambs. JWs claim that the dinosaurs died off before or at the flood. But then how do they explain evidence of dinosaurs with meat in their stomachs?
Worst Ever Field Service Experiences
by dozy ingenerally i found most people were pretty apathetic and often surprisingly tolerant , but we've all had some bad ones.
looking back , here were my worst couple of experiences - there probably were others but i've probably long forgotten them or blanked them off.. i was a kid of maybe 13 & it was bitterly cold & pouring with rain.
i was working alone in a middle class street near my school where i knew a lot of my school teachers lived & was scared stiff at every door half the time pretending to press bells , doing the fake knock etc.
I was an early teen and went to a door with a friend. The woman who answered it began yelling at us and threatening to call the police. She was an alder woman and ordered us to leave the neighborhood immediately for soliciting. It ended up getting escalated to HQ legal department.
Duck Watchtowercy
by Defianttruth inwith phil robertson getting the boot within a day of his comments by a&e, what would happen if the lbg community started calling all of the venue managers of their convention arenas and exposing them for the hate group they are today?
just a thought.
People these days are actively looking for opportunities to be offended to push their beliefs. He is being criticized for responding to a question about his own opinions on sin.
i think two gay guys going at it is gross. I think two good looking women going at it is hot. But that is because I am attracted to women as I am a straight male. It doesn't mean I look down on gay men because of what they do in their bedroom. if someone just took my comment out of context and picked on the first sentence of this paragraph, they could use that to make me look bad.
Today there is a hypocrisy going on. People are shouting for tolerance of their beliefs yet turn and attack those who hold a different belief. I find so much negativity and hate in this world that I am more and more tuning out watching the news or reading articles about people getting all worked up over such issues. All it does is upset me. I'd rather focus on good.
What is Wesley Benner (C.O.) up to these days?
by bats in the belfry in.
for those who don't know: he is the one that axed ray franz..
Not sure. I found it interesting that one of the "sisters" who testified against Ray Franz, her husband, Bob Daley was on my judicial committee. I previously had a lot of respect for Bob Daley, until the interrogation. He accused me of watching a pornographic movie. The movie was "A Long Kiss Goodnight". The movie with Samuel L Jackson and Geena Davis. I tried to explain that it wasn't even close to pornography, but he didn't accept it because of the title and that it was R-rated. It didn't matter than he never verified his charge against me.
In Ray's account, Bob Daley and his wife twice had dinner with Peter Gregerson AFTER the org changed their stance on associates with DA'd individuals. Yet "Sister" Daley hypocritically testified that she had seen Ray Franz eating with Peter Gregerson. Needless to say, it opened my eyes up to what kind of people they were on top of my experience with Bob Daley slandering me in the judicial committee meeting.
JW ban on blood-transfusion is hung upon nothing!
by abiather inif the blood of a perfect man could be used for saving man eternally,.
why cant the blood of an imperfect human be used for saving man temporarily?.
While I do not agree with the organization's beliefs, I fail to see your point. No one received a blood transfusion from Jesus. Jesus' blood was spilled upon the ground when stabbed by the Roman soldier. Jesus' blood saving mankind is just symbolic, not literal.
Blame it on the Boogy!!!
by quellycatface inwas chatting to one of my brainy colleagues at work and telling him a bit about my jw exit etc...... he asked a few questions and then we got onto singing for some reason.
he said that having music, singing or even chanting at religous gatherings makes the brain for "receptive" to suggestions and indoctrination.
wtf, i said!!!