We would come together as individuals for a common cause, to wage war on The Watchtower. Yes we will fight a billion dollar corporation with 7 million members and we will prevail. The larger the organization the harder it is to protect and the easier it is to attack, while trying to attack us would be like hearding cats.
This is not an authoritarian structure, there will be no rules to stop an individuals right to think for themselves. We can come together without an athoritarian figure for the common cause of freedom of individuality and the reuniting of families that The Watchtower has destroyed.
The beautiful thing is that an individual can act autonomously if he or she wishes. We would be nothing like a religion, the watchtower has us thinking that individuals cannot come together without conformity or a belief system, we will prove them wrong.
We would have no power hungry people involved because we would all be equals coordinating our efforts. I am only recruiting, not trying to boss anyone around or impose some sort of belief other then that The Watchtower should not be allowed to exist.
I think all forums and other groups can continue doing what they are doing. I am however trying to recruit people to take REAL action to the extent the law allows, not just talking or acting a little rebellious but in a very true sence putting an end to the watchtower organization.