Biden is a puppet of the globalists and this Afghanistan blunder was completely planned as a part of globalist goals. A strong independent America is in the way of these goals. Unfortunately, globalism requires authoritarianism that is more easily attained with totalitarian communist governments such as China. The facts are clear that Biden is owned by China (as well as many US federal officials and big US corporations), but most big elite media also support the globalist fantasy, so nothing is said. President Trump stood for free American values, but way too many angry sheeple bought in to the ‘orangeman bad’ TDS syndrome and here we are 8 months later in chaos. Lock down America with Covid, but open the southern border wide to all comers and flood the US with foreign refugees. Take away guns to tighten control. Close North American oil production but buy overseas. Destroy faith in God, but cultivate faith in a global human government. It’s so obvious. Leftist hatred of Trump and a free America is identical to hatred spewed by JW’s of those who dare question their authoritarian leadership. Unfortunately, the leftist political hatred is much more dangerous to our collective freedom.
I’m sure you angry leftist will try to refute what I just posted- don’t bother. Your opinions are authoritarian nonsense and you know it.