I have not had my family preach at me in years, they do try to "encourage me" by telling me all about the pioneering they are doing or the brother who dumped his dog at the pound because he was going to go to where the need is great and we all know he can't take his dog but its ok that it was taken to the pound since he was doing Jehovah's work. I am glad they leave me alone. We do not have the same values at all.
JoinedPosts by Justmenthedogs
Weekend Warning - Family May be after You Come Sunday, be ready.
by LostGeneration inthe wt this weekend:.
help those who have become inactive.. jesus said that there is joy in.
heaven when just one lost sheep is.
by Hummingbird001 ini have noticed that there are different reactions to learning the "truth about the truth".
some become quite bitter and angry and become very activist.
others seem to just move on quite easily.. .
I have found actually to be rather relieved that all my feelings almost my entire life are justified and correct. I have never felt it was right and always questioned it. There are some things I am hurt over but I cannot fix it so I move on, why dwell on it, I do miss my family at times but the fact is I have a great life and really cool dogs that have taken me places and I have competed with them in activities and made incredible friends, real friends through the dog world that I would never have done as a JW. I do not regret anything at all and feel no bitterness or anger.
I can't believe how sexist the Borg is!!!
by quellycatface injust letting off a bit more steam.
why can't sisters look after the library or the sound.
what makes the brothers so damned special???.
Scratching head...While the organization IS a sexist organization, they are following what their interpretation of it says. I don't have an issue with it, although I did notice women are ok to clean the bathrooms and vacuum the carpet and check out territory cards. I remember when I was living in Utah, going to dinner with some folks from the Kingdom Hall, 2 couples. The men sat there the entire meal and put down their wives, the wives sat there subserviently and allowed the verbal abuse in public, I can only imagine what went on behind closed doors. There is a lot that goes on that I have always questioned and the way women are treated was one of them.
My parents threw me away
by mzmmom inneed to put it in writing.
i think of it every day.
i know so many of us have gone through this, but it sure hurts.
Such hypocrites. It's all about family, unless a member of the family is not a JW.
I feel my faith is weakening
by Brother Mike inwhen you were in the truth did you find websites like this and read what the other side has to say?
i am in that stage and i feel as if i'm seeking out the ttatt.
i feel the wt society is hiding way too much.
Only you can make the decision BUT, LIVE LIFE on your terms. Take each day by the horns and go for it, don't fall for the live for the future and live in paradise speech because the next thing you know, you will be dead and don't let a reglious cult dictate your life course, you have the world in your hands Mike so take it and run!
New Here
by Justmenthedogs ini came across this forum and started reading it long before i decided to join.
it is amazing to read that i am not the only one feeling the way i have for many years.
i come from a family of jw's.
Unfortunately my neice and nephew are in deep and there is no sign of them ever changing. It's ok, what ever floats their boat.
New Here
by Justmenthedogs ini came across this forum and started reading it long before i decided to join.
it is amazing to read that i am not the only one feeling the way i have for many years.
i come from a family of jw's.
I have been reading a lot of this forum in the last few days, there are some very interesting discussions on things I had no idea about and to be honest have never really cared enough about to get into it deeper. I just knew things did not seem right and I did not like the trappings that go along with it. I had a friend of my parents take me to the side at a family get together last year that told me how disappointed my parents where in me and I had to start coming back because they were very unhappy. I looked at her and just said "and that is my problem how?" Oh and I am almost 50! Some of the posts I am reading here are confirming my feelings I have had all these years. I am still not sure I am ready to face the world and say screw you all as I really am not a confrontational type and really just prefer to keep peace and enjoy my life the way it is and live each day MY way and on my terms and worship my God outside of organized religion.
New Here
by Justmenthedogs ini came across this forum and started reading it long before i decided to join.
it is amazing to read that i am not the only one feeling the way i have for many years.
i come from a family of jw's.
Thanks everyone. I am not all that trusting of JW's so I may spend more time reading then posting. I appreciate the support.
New Here
by Justmenthedogs ini came across this forum and started reading it long before i decided to join.
it is amazing to read that i am not the only one feeling the way i have for many years.
i come from a family of jw's.
Thank you for the warm welcome. My entire growing up I never really "fit in" to my family, I dreaded going in service, I HATED IT and felt we were intruding on people's privacy. I also hated being forced to give talks in the service meeting, man I hated that. I was forced to pioneer, go up to complete strangers in laundrymats, on the street. My parents pushed me to get baptized and it just felt wrong but I so wanted approval of my parents that I just kept doing it. Even as an adult the approval of my parents that I never really had kept a hold on me and one foot in the organization. When I finally took a job that worked evenings and I could not go to bookstudy and service meeting during the week started pulling away and then when the elders met with me and told me I needed to find a different job because Jehovah needed to come first, I just stopped going all together, Jehovah won't pay my bills. My family has never said a word to me about it and stopped inviting me to memorial and district conventions. What is really interesting is someone from the congregation years ago called me last year out of the blue and I was really taken aback on what a downer she was! It was like I could not get off the phone quick enough and I refused her calls and deleted her preaching emails ever since. My eyes are opened and as I read some of the posts on this forum I realize I am not alone in all my feelings. Thank you for that.
I live in Southern California, I used to show horses but it got expensive and now the horses are my passion and relaxation and I got into dogs, I have 3, 2 mini Aussies and a JRT, and we compete in agility. My family does not support my hobby and my passion for my animals but despite them, I have a wonderful life and wonderful and very supportive friends who know the challenges I have faced on my own without the support of my family and share my love for animals and the great outdoors. The dogs and I hike all over Southern California and in the Eastern Sierras.
New Here
by Justmenthedogs ini came across this forum and started reading it long before i decided to join.
it is amazing to read that i am not the only one feeling the way i have for many years.
i come from a family of jw's.
Hi everyone,
I came across this forum and started reading it long before I decided to join. It is amazing to read that I am not the only one feeling the way I have for many years. I come from a family of JW's. It was shoved down my throat my entire growing up and after I turned 18, it took me another 15 years to completely cut all ties with the organization. I just "faded off" and my eyes slowly started opening and realizing what a strong cult I had been raised in. It has been 20 years since I have attended any meetings. My family shuns me but does invite me once in a while to a get together. My brother informed me years ago that I was a bad influence on his kids and so I could not associate with them. I want to thank you for this forum.