Brother Mike - I recall coming across these types of sites many years ago when I had no doubts at all. I believed strongly! I was in my early twenties at the time so we are talking fifteen years ago or about that.
I wasn't ready - I put it to the side. But when I was ready I knew it, and everything I read came back to me. It prompted me to read more and when i did fade I knew I had made the right decision. I also had a strong network of non Jehovah's Witness friends. I can't stress how important it is to you to build those networks now. And be prepared to be the freak of the group for a while whilst you learn social niceties. Trust me, what is acceptable behaviours amongst the JWs can seem increcibly weird and peculiar to non JWs.
you will know when you are ready. But read, ask questions, make friends. I also found being a member of this forum highly therapuetic as I worked through a lot of emotions and growing up.
I wish you all the very best and hope that you will find genuine happiness sooner rather than later.