LEE,Thank you for your Wish,I feel the same way toward you and all who have posted here this year.I came aboard in august and my family has been helped very much by all the support from the Newbies,Juniors,Seniors,Masters,Jedi's,Emperor,and Supremes.What a treasure of knowledge my family has found in the Archives of all the members.Thanks Lee! Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
My Wish for you
by Lady Lee inthe year 2002 has been full of change and growth for myself and for so many others.
during the past year i have resurrected old ghosts and put them to rest.
i have found ways to reclaim more of myself from the abuses of the past.
HELP!!! Hubby turning home into 'Book Study'
by Skeptically Yours inmy husband, who's a ministerial servant, was approached by an elder and asked if he'd offer our home to become a 'book study' meeting place.. i'm a bit of a loner, and need lots of peace, quiet, privacy, and solitude; plus to boot you all know i'm living this sort of double life, you know, just doing the very minimum to remain a witness.. this is awful!!!!!!!!!!
i can't deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take care!
My thoughts have already been posted,by the good advice expressed here.Francois mentioned something that could be an underlining reason for your husband wanting to use the home as a book study.Reaching out to be appointed an Elder.Using the home as a stepping stone to this end. C.O. love to hear that a ministerial servant opened his home for the use of Field Service head-quarters.It means that he has a place to come for chow during his visit.
One thing comes to my mind also that might help,or might not. The Secret of FAMILY HAPPINESS Book Chapter 3,Two Keys to a Lasting Marriage. The Second Key, Good Communication,page 37,par:24 Question :How will love and respect help when there are disagreements? Give an example.
Answer :Recall the occasion when Sarah recommended to her husband,Abraham,a solution to a certain problem and it did not coincide with his feelings. Yet,God told Abraham:"Listen to her voice."Genesis 22:9-12.Similarly,if a wife suggests something different from what her husband has in mind,he should at least listen to her voice.
Hope this scriptual example from the slaves own mouth will help you to persuade him to see things your way.We had a book study in our home for many years,got sick,cancelled it.Blueblades
Auld Lang Syne
by Kenneson init won't be long now for that old familiar song auld lang syne.. should auld acquaintance be.
and never brought to mind?.
Thanks KEN, Another day the Society tries to ruin for those of us who appreciate the true meaning behind its observation today.Getting together with family and friends.Quietly reflecting on the past and the year to come.Making improvements in our life and in dealing with others.
Yet the Society uses the JANUARY 1st, issue of the WT. to tell the world how well they are doing.
Thanks again for that review of AULD LANG SYNE. Blueblades
My Message To You
by OrbitingTheSun into many people, the new year symbolizes hope--a chance to cast away that which has bothered us, and to cultivate all of the things we have dreamt about throughout the year (but never found the energy to do).
i both believe in and love the spirit of the new year, but it is vital for us to remember that the hope we feel now is merely the result of a collective belief in ourselves and in each other.
there is no more opportunity on january 1st than there is on any other day of the year, yet we feel inspired and motivated to change our lives.
Orbit,Thanks for those words of inspiration.I'll be thinking about them long after the first day of 2003.Blueblades
What DO You Know Now That You Didn't Before?
by minimus insince you drifted or fell away from the "truth", what do you now know that you never realized before?
was there anything that shocked or surprised you about the witness religion that you didn't know about til you left??
On another post they said they felt honored to wear this badge put upon them by the Society.So, although I have my personal concerns about being called an apostate by the true Apostates, I understand the feelings of others.Have a good time at the Aposterfest. Blueblades
Keep or dump
by Mercedes ini need some advice.
i have been dating this guy for 3 years.
of those 3 years, he has cheated on me many many times, but i can only prove some.
The moment he hit you and blackened your eyes, he could of also blinded you.Your life is in danger,also, he could get infected and pass it on to you,again ,your life is in danger.Need I say more? Blueblades
Which Watchtower teachings lack logic?
by sleepy inwhich watchtower teachings lack logic?.
i know you're all tempted to say all of them, but some beliefs if the facts were true, would be logical.. which ones that are supposed to be a logical consequence of a true fact are in fact not logical whether the fact is true or not?.
for an example of logical belief based on untrue or unprovable fact , if god created adam and all humans came from him,(supposed fact) he could pass on defects in his genes to all humans and we could all be "imperfect".this we could call logical.. a watchtower belief that lacks logic is for example jw's who go through armageddon or die and are ressurected to earth are not perfect but still have another test to go through, yet those who die and that go to heaven are perfect straight away and require no further testing.. so which teachings are based on beliefs that are not true and which ones are just not logical?
The Society teaches two different ways of salavation.John 3:16, 5:24, 10:28, and other verses which speak about having "eternal life"are said to apply only to the 144,000 "heavenly class".And they obtain this life without going from door to door but simply because they became Jehovah's Witnesses before 1935. While the 'other sheep',the earthly class,can receive eternal life only after the Millennium,and only if they "endure to the end"! Why do the 'elite' gain eternal life sp easily,yet the 'other sheep' have to work so hard for their salavation?This teaching is unscriptual and lacks logic.
Example:If the teaching is true that only 144,000 persons will go to heaven,I would like to know how there could possibly be any openings left when Charles T. Russell came upon the scene in 1880?The book of Acts mentions at least 100,000 people saved,and this was only the beginning of the growth of Christianity. Estimates have it that there were at least 250,000 Jews in the early church,not counting the thousands of Gentiles.Also there were over 250,000 martyrs who would surely be included in the 144,000.
In the Watchtower book "The Finished Mystery"1917,Charles T. Russell said there were 861,000 martyrs.It seems obvious (logical) that these openings would all have been filled in the Apostolic age or shortly thereafter. Blueblades
When you left the Org............
by SillyPutty inwhat did you do with all those bound volumes, song books, bibles, study books and such?
mine are all packed away in the shed.
Acts 19:19 "they brought their books together and burned them up" Blueblades
Edited by - Blueblades on 1 January 2003 15:23:57
What DO You Know Now That You Didn't Before?
by minimus insince you drifted or fell away from the "truth", what do you now know that you never realized before?
was there anything that shocked or surprised you about the witness religion that you didn't know about til you left??
Minimus, I remember answering one of your past post that it was the other way around.That all of us here are NOT Apostates,its the other way around,The Society is the real Apostate.
What do you think about this idea?For the New Year of 2003 we stop calling ourselves Apostates on this forum.I don't like the thought, even in jest, that we who have come out of an Apostate Org.go along with the Society's labeling of us.Lets not use that term because it does not apply to us.
It applies to The Society.We have all been put in harms way by this Apostate Org.Do you think we can make the change from calling ourselves Apostate to putting the label where it actually belongs,on The Apostate Organization WT.Society. Blueblades