Just a question,why can't the third alternative be: Go beyond the second alternative and believe. Blueblades
JoinedPosts by Blueblades
The Third Alternative
by Siddhashunyata inalternative 1 ---believe.
alternative 2---don't believe.
alternative 3 ---go beyond believe and don't believe .
Paranoia Reigns
by Blueblades in"if some tinge of doubt about jehovah, his word, or his organization has begun to linger in your heart,take quick steps to eliminate it before it festers into something that could destroy your faith...do not hesitate to ask for help from loving overseers in the congregation.they will help you trace the source of your doubts,which may be due to pride or some wrong thinking.. ...act quickly to route out of the mind any tendency to complain,to be dissatisfied with the way things are done in the congregation.cut off anything that feeds such doubts.. from the watchtower,2/1/96,p.23-24.
from the 2002 supplement to the 1996 version of thus saith the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, by randall watters.. feel free to comment on the above paragraphs.what is actually being said here?
"If some tinge of doubt about Jehovah, his word, or his organization has begun to linger in your heart,take quick steps to eliminate it before it festers into something that could destroy your faith...do not hesitate to ask for help from loving overseers in the congregation.They will help you trace the source of your doubts,which may be due to pride or some wrong thinking.
...act quickly to route out of the mind any tendency to complain,to be dissatisfied with the way things are done in the congregation.Cut off anything that feeds such doubts.
From the Watchtower,2/1/96,p.23-24. From the 2002 supplement to the 1996 version of Thus Saith the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, by Randall Watters.
Feel free to comment on the above paragraphs.What is actually being said here? Blueblades
My Very First Door
by LB inback what seems like a zillion years ago i finally got up the courage to take my first door.
i had been out in service a few times, but this was going to be the one where i did all the talking.. knock knock knock.
door opens, i shuffle my feet and say "nice door, did you buy that or did it come with the house?".
I remember my first door alone.No one showed up for the field service at my house,so, I went to the territory without the wife,she being under the weather.Still new and trusting in God I rang the bell to the second floor.As I started to walk up the stairs a man with a bat came running down the stairs yelling and screaming at me.You got some nerve waking me up on a saturday morning ! It was 10am. I ran out the door as fast as I could.
When I didn't see him anymore I said a prayer and went back to try the other householder on the bottom floor.As I stood outside the second floor window opened and the same man poured a bucket of ice cold water on me.
That did it I went home feeling good for the kingdom work.My wife thought I was wrong to go back to the same house after I had disturbed that man from his sleep.The brothers at the hall the next day were proud of me . I thought to myself I'm not going through that again. But, it got worse, I'll save that for another time. Blueblades
One question that would make you think....
by Dawn inno jw's have been to my door for years because they all know where i live - my mom drives by with her "car group" and points out our house, even stops to use the potty or get a pop.
silly - i know, but mom doesn't seem to care about the shunning thing (thank goodness).. anyways - hubby and i have bought a new house and will be moving out of this congregation's area soon.
it's a brand new house in a new area so i'm sure it'll get worked fairly quickly (new blood on the block).
Hi MULAN !, I realize what you are saying. But, I also pointed out that the Society themselves are confused.The literature over the years hasn't got it right as far as they are concerned. Its Jehovah,then Jesus ,etc.What I was pointing out to DAWN was something for her to ask them ,do they know now who is The ALPHA and THE OMEGA ? And how do they know it won't be changed again next year. Blueblades
by Blueblades indoes god know in advance everything that people will do?
does he foresee and foreknow all future actions of all his creatures,spirit and human?.
or,is god's exercise of foreknowledge selective and discretionary,so that whatever he chooses to foresee and foreknow,he does, but what he does not choose to foresee or foreknow,he does not?.
Does God know in advance everything that people will do? Does he foresee and foreknow all future actions of all his creatures,spirit and human?
Or,is God's exercise of foreknowledge selective and discretionary,so that whatever he chooses to foresee and foreknow,he does, but what he does not choose to foresee or foreknow,he does not?
One question that would make you think....
by Dawn inno jw's have been to my door for years because they all know where i live - my mom drives by with her "car group" and points out our house, even stops to use the potty or get a pop.
silly - i know, but mom doesn't seem to care about the shunning thing (thank goodness).. anyways - hubby and i have bought a new house and will be moving out of this congregation's area soon.
it's a brand new house in a new area so i'm sure it'll get worked fairly quickly (new blood on the block).
The Question: Who is the ALPHA and the OMEGA ? Have them read Revelation 1:8 ask ,who is speaking here ? Says who , Jehovah God.then go to Rev.21:5-7, Jehovah God.Next,Rev.22:13 ,First and Last ? Jehovah God !
Then say,there is just one more verse. Do you think you could help me with it? Rev.1:17-18,will you read it for me ? after they read the words First and Last stop them right there and tell them that you are trying to figure out who is the First and the Last, they will continue to say Jehovah.
Then ask them to continue and read verse 18, I became DEAD! Ask when did Jehovah DIE! When did God DIE! But ,JESUS DIED, Go to ISAIAH 44:6 where Jehovah declares that he is The First and The Last!,
Confused,they will be! However, its not confusing,JESUS is The Alpha and The OMEGA, The First and The Last ! JESUS is JEHOVAH !
For added measure the Society has been confused as to the identity of the Alplha and Omega for years and years,saying He is Jehovah then Jesus,then Jehovah, then Jesus, back and forth, back and forth. Blueblades
Questionable Content ?
by Blueblades inhow do you define questionable content?
i did a content watch,audit, it showed that i had 71 files containing questionable content.i asked it ,how do you define what is questionable?
it responded that words may appear in files that are not in themselves objectionable or they may appear in inappropriate web sites.. guess where all the 71 files that had questionable content were found ?
How do you define questionable content? I did a content watch,audit, it showed that I had 71 files containing questionable content.I asked it ,how do you define what is questionable? It responded that words may appear in files that are not in themselves objectionable or they may appear in inappropriate web sites.
Guess where all the 71 files that had questionable content were found ? Yep! You guessed it! The Bible and this site forum for friends.
Just to give you an idea of the words found:Breast,lust,naked, nasty,sex,naughty,molest,sperm, and many many more in no particular order.These words were found in the Bible books I researched and on this forum.
Conclusion: Content Watch has determined that the Bible and this site that is in my computer has questionable content just by the usage of words that are not necessarily objectionable in their right context.
Solution: $$$$$$ ?????? for software to erase all of this. Oh and maybe its just because the inappropriate websites are er! ahem! p o r n. That some hacker planted there.
Why with the wife and kids on the computer how does the hacker get in and we don't see it?
Oh there was a couple of times when an e-mail got through with a picture of a face that said "Hi! remember me!" The wife and I deleted both times hasn't happened again. Just thought I share this with you in case this happened to you too. Blueblades
Dilemmas......What is their Purpose?
by Siddhashunyata in.
what is the purpose of moral dilemmas?
do they point us to god or to ourselves?
Within ones self one might be thinking of the consequences of ones own decision or indecision with or with a belief system to guide ones conscience.
The situation presented does not allow for the husband to choose or the mother to have already decide the outcome before hand.
So the doctor does what is ethical medically,allows the child to be born.He is not the cause of the death of the mother or the child,nature takes it cause.
Just my thought without researching all the angles to this situation.MY answer demonstrates that there is no dilemma.Only tragedy. If I'm wrong I stand corrected.
Dilemma,yes or no ? Mother and wife are drowning at the same time who does the husband save,he can only save one. Mother and child who does he save? HEARTBREAKING either way. these issues have been discussed over and over . Blueblades
Moral dilemma.
by expatbrit inimagine you are the head of the security services in your city.
somewhere in your city is a bomb.
it is timed to explode sometime in the next 24 hours, very probably in a crowded area.
I heard this discussed on a radio show some time ago.There was no conclusion to the question.Good cop bad cop won't work.Does everyone have a price.Can family be used against her,can torture,is it really a moral dilemma when it comes to letting others die or saving them at all cost.Is all fair in love and war?Has everything in the book been tried before.
Where on earth is the intelligence agency? Anyway its only a moral dilemma if you believe it to be.Can she hold out or will she give in? Don't do anything at all ,ask her nice.Give her amnesty,a cigarette, a drink, safe house. Does she have a cause that she is willing to die for? A belief system that she is willing to die for.Has she been trained to accept and endure torture.
ON and ON round and round we go.Do we really know if this situation has been already dealth with in the past .Whats your answer?What would I do if I had that responsibility? Whatever it takes to save the lives of the many.If it failed then we all lose our lives.If it works lives are saved.
Really though I wouldn't want to be the one in that situation on either side. Blueblades
As a Dub, did you neglect your health?
by JH in.
when you were an active jw, did you neglect your health because the end was just around the corner.. many witnesses never went to see a doctor for a check up, because they actually believed that the end was a few months away.
we all know that sicknesses are cured if treated early, but you have to see the doctor on a regular basis for that.. did you neglect your health when you were a jw because you felt that the end was too close?
As many of the old timers can testify to,we sacrificed it all ,not only our health, but also our ability to gain financially so that we could have a good health plan in our retirement years.Now that there is no new order on the horizen we are stuck without a good health policy or the resources to obtain it.
So, yes in a way, health was neglected for the advancement of the kingdom,or so we thought. Our family always went to the clinic when we were sick.Long waits for attention, minimun care also.But ,we are still here carrying on, were not that old in our sixties.Children in their thirties doing fine healthwise. Blueblades