I took a lady friend to a Pentecostal Church one time. While being prayed over she manifested demons. Everyone was escorted out of the Church but the elders. After a while they called for me because I was the only one who knew her.
First of all she was a really big lady. When I came back into the Church she slid all the way down the pew and all the way back. I have never seen her move so freely. Then I saw her face.... it changed in a way the disturbed me greatly. You know how you feel if you smell vomit? How just the smell can make you sick? Looking at her face was the same thing. It made my spirit sick. As a matter of fact this feeling stayed with me for awhile afterwords. I don't even want to talk about her voice changed and all the crazy things that came out of her mouth.We prayed with her for probably and hour or more and she found some relief.
I don't know what I saw. It wasn't staged, and this lady had no expectations prior to going to Church as a matter of fact she seldom went. Maybe all I saw was a physiological disturbance... but what ever it was disturbed me greatly.