Over the years I have seen two df'ed for gossiping, and serval reproved. It's been a long time, since these happened!
JoinedPosts by DwainBowman
If gossiping was a D.Fing offence how many in your congro would be D.Fed?
by karter inthere goes at least half the elders wife's alot of the publishers.
by DwainBowman inwell beards are still a no no!!!!!!.
in a new letter from the branch/gb nut's, beards are not acceptable in the us branch area!!!!!!.
my eldub brother in law, shared this today.
You nailed it Doc!
by DwainBowman inwell beards are still a no no!!!!!!.
in a new letter from the branch/gb nut's, beards are not acceptable in the us branch area!!!!!!.
my eldub brother in law, shared this today.
Call it what ever you want! I don't care!
by DwainBowman inwell beards are still a no no!!!!!!.
in a new letter from the branch/gb nut's, beards are not acceptable in the us branch area!!!!!!.
my eldub brother in law, shared this today.
It was delivered by the co, but was from the branch!
No copies allowed!
by DwainBowman inwell beards are still a no no!!!!!!.
in a new letter from the branch/gb nut's, beards are not acceptable in the us branch area!!!!!!.
my eldub brother in law, shared this today.
WELL BEARDS ARE STILL A NO NO!!!!!!In a new letter from the branch/gb nut's, beards are not acceptable in the US branch area!!!!!!My eldub brother in law, shared this today. In his cong, they had one eldub and a ms, that had grown beards. They had the co's visit last week, and the letter came though during his visit!!!!!Just how dumb can they be!!!!!! -
Has there ever been a time when someone has been outed as a JW mole on this forum?
by Tenacious inhaving been a jw for decades i'm used to watching what i do, say, or watch, in fear of being snitched on.. therefore, i the question begs.. there have been instances, i won't say how, where i've felt some members are being deliberate in their attempt to feign support for the anti-jw rhetoric on this forum.. any input is greatly appreciated..
I had been reading this site for about a year before joining. Then I judged posted bit's now and then. I finally posted my awaking story. I thought I had changed enough information around to keep from getting ID'ed! We a few weeks went by, and I received a pm, from another exjw, saying I think I my know who you are! For three weeks, I lived in fear, being I am still pretending to be in. My mind was running wild, trying to figure out who it could be. Then I got a call over Skype. It turned out to be someone living about 50 miles away, and totally out. Turned out that my wife's oldest girl, and told his girl's all about my story, and he put 2 and 2 together! I have visited him and the family a few times, it great to have someone near by!
I went back and edited my story even more!
Some recent baptism figures in the UK - is there a "bounce back"?
by freddo inwell, round my way (south of the uk) all the way up to and including the regional conventions this summer, baptism numbers have been extremely low.
but i have just received news of three recent circuit assembly days where the figures seem to be higher.
(all have been across the last three weekends at a uk assembly hall in october).
There was one DC in Memphis back in the mid 75, just before the end came in. 75, where there was 15,000 there. Total baptised, right around 2,000!
22 fascinating maps that show how Americans speak English differently across the US
by blondie inhttp://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/smart-living/22-fascinating-maps-that-show-how-americans-speak-english-differently-across-the-us/ss-bbwqtug?li=bbnb7kz&ocid=iehp .
everyone knows americans don't agree on pronunciations.. that's great, because regional accents and dialects are a major part of why american english is so interesting.. josh katz, a former ph.d. student of statistics at north carolina state university, published a group of awesome visualizations of professor bert vaux and scott golder's linguistic survey, which looked at differences in american dialects (via detsl on /r/linguistics).. his results were first published on the abstract, the nc state university research blog.
the complete set of katz's maps, updated with the results from more than 350,000 new survey responses, are compiled in the new book "speaking american," publishing october 25 from houghton mifflin harcourt.. katz gave business insider permission to publish some of the coolest maps from his collection..
In my life I have lived in many parts of the US. I have so many bits and pieces in my vocabulary, as well as my speech. I worked in a high rise office building in Century City, in LA, for a while. There was one mystery floor, that required a key to get to, I had one of the keys. When you went to that floor, it opened into an 8 x8, room, with two sets of heave double doors. The only thing in the room was a small table, with a telephone on it. When you picked it up, it was always a British woman on the line. You had to tell her why you were there. If it was to see someone,she would tell you to wait a minute. After a short time the back set of doors opened and two British men came out. I was patted down, and checked for bugs. Then the other doors opened and whoever you needed to see came out. That would also be British.
Everyone working in the building, was pretty sure they were MI6, operations personal.
Now almost every day, there was this one woman, always well dressed, with long black hair. She always wore dark sun glasses, behind the building, taking a smoke break. Serval times I noticed her observing me, and listening as I talked. I asked several people about her, and no one seemed to know anything about her, or where she worked.
Out of the blue when it was just the two of us outside, she spoke, with a heavy British accent. She ask if she could, ask me a few questions, I said yes. Her first one was, Where are you from? I told her about my life's background. Then a few more questions. I then ask if I could ask her a question. She said yes. I ask why she singled me out, two ask where I was from. She said her job was to listen to audio tape's of people, and identify where they were from. And she had been listening to me speak for serval month's, and still didn't know just where I was from, because I had such a mix of words, slang, and sounds in my speech!
That all reenforced my belief that they were British MI6!
Why cant Judicial Committees be taped?
by HereIgo ini have never understood this.
was it because of legal reasons?
i cant think of any other reason why it wouldn't be allowed, but i know the elders ask you repeatedly that you are not taping.
Sorry, I don't have time to read all the replies!
In as simply stated as possible! They don't want the individual to have any kind of proof of how they are treated!
Anytime really know the total story about someone's case, and they are df'ed. If you ever say something about it to an eldub, they will pretty much respond with. Well you don't know the whole story! Or there's more to it!
In my own case, they never told me I was being invited to a JC meeting, nor what the charges were! I went to just clear up a few questions, and walked out twenty minutes later df'ed! I had no ideal that was even a possibility! Sometime later when I got my head straight, I ask questions of two eldubs, a week later they told me, that all the notes from it had been destroyed! So I started pushing harder! Two weeks later, they called me to the room! Well magically, the notes had turned up! In the notes it said I had been told it was a JC, but also of the charges, and how I had confused! None of witch were true! I remember the idiot taking notes thought he was a stenographer, and used a green stenopad, the pad they supposedly had the notes on was a large yellow legal new legal pad that had not even had a second page turned, they wouldn't even let me see what was written on it, much less read it. I got a quick glimpse of it as the as_hole was putting it back in his bag, it was blank! Lying power mad Bastard's! If I had been allowed to record it, or have someone with me, to tell the truth, the as_holes couldn't have gotten away with it!
Favorite & LEAST favorite CO's? DO's?
by HereIgo insome were humble, but their were a few pompous asses who thought they were gods gift to the org and acted like they were ceo's of a fortune 500 company...
Bill Baxter, was my favorite! I encountered him during the first really low point in my life. He was so kind and understanding!
Cecil Jones, one of the very last really old school DO's, a Rutherford trained asshole, to the MAXX!
I have lived so many places and met so many, but I have always had name recall problems!