Eldub that get stuck on a word!
Over the years I have been
around a few, that if a "Big" or "Unusual" word or phrase is used at the
assembly or by a CO/DO, to stress a point. Then eldub "Somebody" will
use it at every meeting, if they can find a way to Squeeze it into a
part or commit.
Most of them get over it after a few meetings.
But sometimes, you'll find one that will beat that dead horse, until you
Never want to hear or use the word or phrase ever again.
One such phrase was "Side Step". It's been 13 years or so since it was
used at an assembly. The point being made was that the sheeple should
never try to find a "side step" around some forms of perceived
opposition to their beliefs. Because, this would be missing an important
opportunity for God to build your faith, if you struggle your way
Was another one that he got stuck on. It's use was to do with picking
and choosing, thoughts and ideals, one chooses to believe. The same eldub hung onto this one for several months.
He has done this forever!
The eldub I know beat that one for almost a year. He
was the "Big Bull" eldub in half the state for years. A couple of years
ago after the "70" years old rule came into use, he has been sidelined
in a major way, losing pretty much every thing except the eldub title.
Now days he shows up as the meeting is starting, and leaves quickly
Do you guy's know any???