Viv - I'd like to see the same with an apathy trolley crew
If you mean the JW trolleys, I've only seen one or two (I don't live in a large urban area, just near one) and they seemed to be doing everything they could to NOT talk to people.
got to admit that when some of these screechers get wound up, ive felt the same as the young lady..
Viv - I'd like to see the same with an apathy trolley crew
If you mean the JW trolleys, I've only seen one or two (I don't live in a large urban area, just near one) and they seemed to be doing everything they could to NOT talk to people.
got to admit that when some of these screechers get wound up, ive felt the same as the young lady..
Well, it looks like a hoax. Who was filming it and why? If that were real they'd have probably started filming after they noticed the rude kid.
Agreed, it does look staged. But, for the sake of argument, I am treating it as real, so....
got to admit that when some of these screechers get wound up, ive felt the same as the young lady..
To stop in front of any street entertainer and repeatedly tell them to shut up is rude.
He is not a street entertainer. He is preaching death to those who disagree with him.
For a little girl to be encouraged to behave like this is plain sad.
What does being little or a girl have to do with talking back to someone telling you God is going to kill you? Why is it sad for her to stand up to someone preaching death to random people? Why can HE stand there and shout horrible things to strangers but SHE is rude, a brat, etc., for daring to talk back to HIM? Why are there two standards here?
The parents should teach her to stay away from strange men, not confront them.
Why? Why men and why strange? Most harm, abuse and death of children caused by adult are by people they know. Better advice would be to stay away from men they know.
science observes, studies and analyses the basic nature of all the components constituting the part of any experiment, follows the principle of cause and effect, and come out with equipments that would contribute to our comfort and save us lots of time and energyall of which are ultimately aimed at making life on this earth happier, longer and healthier, thus making this world a better place to live.. yet man day-by-day becomes more and more unhappy and discontented, and world is becoming bitter and bitter!
it means: though science is right in its details, it has gone wrong in its direction.
it failed to rightly judge and assess the true nature of its prime object (man) for whom it works.
Anytime a religious person attempt to use Einstein and science to prop up their ridiculous position, you can be sure they truly understand none of the things they are talking about.
I dub it Viviane's Law.
got to admit that when some of these screechers get wound up, ive felt the same as the young lady..
Kind of surprised that so many think this obnoxious little brat is funny!
He got what he was giving. It IS funny.
I'd be willing to bet, again, that she's the mean girl/bully in her class.
Just making stuff up, now?
Miss Disrespectful said so & so was actually bothering her, and her friends, who don't want to be her next victim, said that was correct".
So he can yell, with a loudspeaker, at random people that they are going to die, but she can't specifically say less douchey, threatening and judgmental things specifically to him?
Not how it works.
He was not in anyones face or pointing/yelling at anyone.
That's exactly what he was doing.
Her asshole parents could have kept moving and had fun doing something else.
He could have not been in the street yelling at people that God was going to kill them.
in my intimate conversations with many of my atheists friends i have found that their real problem is the human rights abuse of the religious fanaticssomething which god hates (not the lack of proof for gods existence) (means when the religions went to one extreme, their opponents go to another extremethus god is not at all an element in religious fanaticism and atheism alike) atheists shun, belittle or resist proofs for the existence of god, because they fear it will only further strengthen the religion from which the fanaticism arisethus object of atheists attack is fanaticism (not god) .
hence what atheists do is really a service to the humanity (while fanaticism is a crime against humanity).
hence when the atheists ask for proof for the existence of god, one need not take it seriously.
cofty, yes I did , if one could travel at the speed of light,[after acceleration], one would arrive at the moment one left. With dire consequences also to one's girth and mass during the impossible acceleration.
Wrong. For reference, read up on spacetime and frames of reference. Please stop peddling your pseudo science woo.
Increase in speed through space decreases speed through time. With c as the upper speed limit through space and zero travel through time.
Spacetime, not space and time. And again, frames of reference.
that does not mean that time has vanished, but there is time, it was a pre-condiyion to the beginning of our universe, and there is various speeds of travel through it. In my view of thse 'givens
Your view is pretending to know things that cannot possibly be know. Please stop peddling your pseudo scientific woo nonsense.
in my intimate conversations with many of my atheists friends i have found that their real problem is the human rights abuse of the religious fanaticssomething which god hates (not the lack of proof for gods existence) (means when the religions went to one extreme, their opponents go to another extremethus god is not at all an element in religious fanaticism and atheism alike) atheists shun, belittle or resist proofs for the existence of god, because they fear it will only further strengthen the religion from which the fanaticism arisethus object of atheists attack is fanaticism (not god) .
hence what atheists do is really a service to the humanity (while fanaticism is a crime against humanity).
hence when the atheists ask for proof for the existence of god, one need not take it seriously.
How would you feel about that traveler?
How would you answer to that student?
That they, like you, don't understand basic logic, authority or analogies.
You may understand the principles of motion, but that does not prove the Prime Mover (who formulated those principles) does not exist.
It doesn't prove anything. Not proving something doesn't exist doesn't mean by default that it does (see above: Kalos doesn't understand logic)
but not everything moves through time. take light waves/radiation : it does not move through time, it arrives the moment it left.
*a recent article on bbc, "someting from nothing" reiterates that there were virtual fluctuations befor the appearance of the universe, fluctuations= time, time^2.
Also wrong.
wt-projected anglo-american dual world power has many times showed they are no longer dual.
latest in the series is britains inclination towards recognizing palestinian state which runs counter to us interests.
( and now eu is poised for doing something more (
Not one Biblical prophecy has come true exactly as predicted.
i've, over the years, looked into many religions.
obviously, from those that have seen me post here, i've become an atheist simply because i couldn't find any reason to believe in god.
recently, though, over the past few months, a new change has started.
Why abandon the Giver of Life and Source of Love, simply because you have been lied to?
You have some kind of proof that your diety is the giver of life? Please do present that.
Oh. My God.
I know, that article was amazing.
The real debate is Star Trek or Star Trek Next Gen. Kirk vs. Picard.
No love for Captain Sulu?
i've, over the years, looked into many religions.
obviously, from those that have seen me post here, i've become an atheist simply because i couldn't find any reason to believe in god.
recently, though, over the past few months, a new change has started.
Stone the infidel! Yorickians attack!
I knew him well!
It all "Much ado About Nothing".
It's lately sounded like kids arguing over whether or not Star Wars or Star Trek is better. Who cares?
I've got my hand up! Can I comment?
Please do, Brother Fulltimestudent.
Viviane, of course, all religions are silly, cut from the same cloth, but does it follow that the universe made itself?* I remain a deist. Credit were credit is due, without worship, and anonymously.
Completely OT.