JoinedPosts by Viviane
Good Netflix shows to watch
by Simon inin the long winter nights you need some good tv shows to watch while you wait for the eternity between seasons of game of thrones.. we've watched marco polo (pretty good) and have just started watching orange is the new black which is not at all what i imagined (didn't know it was funny!).
house of cards is on the list too as we've heard good things about that.. anyone have any others that are worth seeing?.
And Trailer Park Boys, Fringe, Twin Peaks, Ripper Street, Weeds, Luther, Mad Men, It's Always Sunny in Philadephia, White Collar, Peaky Blinders.... -
Good Netflix shows to watch
by Simon inin the long winter nights you need some good tv shows to watch while you wait for the eternity between seasons of game of thrones.. we've watched marco polo (pretty good) and have just started watching orange is the new black which is not at all what i imagined (didn't know it was funny!).
house of cards is on the list too as we've heard good things about that.. anyone have any others that are worth seeing?.
Besty, I came here to recommend Lillyhammer. Incredibly fun show and well done. I hope it gets picked up for a fourth season. Also, the Almighty Johnsons was well done. -
Churches: Praise the LORD! ---- JWs: Praise the Org!
by DocHouse insad but true; i've yet to be at a meeting where the org/ 'fds' isn't praised....
The bible no more shows the truth than you can unscramble an egg. -
Churches: Praise the LORD! ---- JWs: Praise the Org!
by DocHouse insad but true; i've yet to be at a meeting where the org/ 'fds' isn't praised....
DocHouse is an arrogant nutterball. -
Is this proof that the flood was regional?
by silent ini stumbled across a scripture today.
it's numbers 13:33 "and there we saw the nephilim, the sons of anak, who are from the nephilim, and in comparison we seemed like grasshoppers, both to us and to them.. now if they honestly believed that they saw the nephilim, it would mean that some nephilim would have had to survive the flood or that the hijinks of the fallen angels before the flood, happened again shortly thereafter.
the only other thing i can come up with is that nephilim was some kind of generic word that implied giant proportions, but not necessarily the nephilim.. comments from the more educated appreciated.. silent.
Why were no sea creatures destroyed in the flood?
by smiddy inall the animals on earth were destroyed in the flood of noahs day apart from those in the ark ,apparently no sea creatures were destroyed in the flood , why is that ?.
this is not an issue that only affects jehovahs witnesses , it is one that affects all beleivers that accept the bible as gods word.. obviously sea creatures were not put on the ark , no whales ,no dolphins , no fish , no krill , no plankton etc.
you can fill in the rest .. so my question is , why were land animals / birds singled out for destruction ?, what wrong did they do to deserve this judgement against them .
But regardless, you are basically saying that God has no right to judge people.
That is your core argument, right?
As an aside, you do eat meat I assume.
See a problem here?
Nope. Explain it if you do.
If you are holding Jehovah to a standard (protect ALL life, no matter what), you should follow it as well.
Who said that was the standard? How about "don't randomly kill millions animals and people for no reason other than a rib lady ate a piece of fruit"?
Have you supported just human millitary intervention? It's no different, actually, it's even better when judgment comes from God: he is outside of space time, no margin for error.
It's very different. God claims to know all yet constantly screws up and doesn't know things, goes on murderous rampages like a two year old pitching a fit and decides to do nothing when he has the power to help the innocent.
The best book on biblical archaeology I've ever read
by marmot ini'm referring to "the bible unearthed : archaeology's new vision of ancient isreal and the origin of its sacred texts" by israel finkelstein and neil asher silberman.
i think it should be required reading for anyone who deigns to defend the historicity and literal interpretation of the bible.
(i'm looking at you singlecell).
I own that book. It's quite good, I agree.
Is there an ancient Christian creed that says credo in scripture?
by kepler inconsider the nicene creed.
does it mention bible?
it does say what a christian in a universal church of the roman empire should believe though.. one day i visited a service at a fundamental church and i noticed that a video display interjected the belief in holy scriptures into what otherwise looked to me like the credo i had learned in my own church.. the notion of a credo does not necessarily stay unaltered, i admit.
The LDS church has always taken it on the chin by the evangelicals because they say it “adds” to the Bible. Well, yes, it’s true we add scripture to the Bible, like the Book of Mormon, but the shock value lies in the fact that it’s so opposed to what people have been taught by the various professors of religion.
The LDS takes it on the chin because it's new, not because they are shocking. The LDS religion is just as idiotic, dumb and retarded as regular Christianity.
Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?
by CrytoJesus inchristians, should i attend kingdom hall meetings to discreetly "preach" to jws about the real jesus and the lies of the watchtower?.
i plan to go undercover and plant seeds into them.. .
Viviane, I understand why you would think that so I won't bother to argue with you on this.
You know nothing about me. Stop being ignorant and pretending to know things you cannot possibly know.
Are you an atheist? I'm sorta in the middle between Theism and Atheism. I've talked to you before on my very first post that I made here. Hope you are doing well. You are a person with very few words but I appreciate your contribution to the threads here.
I am an atheist in the sense that I have no reason whatsoever to believe in any invisible spirit creature. No person worshipping any spirit creature has ever been able to reconcile known physics with the spirit world OR tell me what spirit even is.
Thanks for your words. I am doing quite well.
Should I attend Kingdom Hall meetings to discreetly "preach"?
by CrytoJesus inchristians, should i attend kingdom hall meetings to discreetly "preach" to jws about the real jesus and the lies of the watchtower?.
i plan to go undercover and plant seeds into them.. .
I am a very rational person and I know for an absolute fact God is real but so is satan.
You're neither rational nor describing absolute facts.