All the animals on earth were destroyed in the flood of Noahs day apart from those in the Ark ,apparently no sea creatures were destroyed in the flood , why is that ?
This is not an issue that only affects jehovahs witnesses , it is one that affects all beleivers that accept the bible as Gods word.
Obviously sea creatures were not put on the ark , no whales ,no dolphins , no fish , no krill , no plankton etc. etc. you can fill in the rest .
So my question is , why were land animals / birds singled out for destruction ?, what wrong did they do to deserve this judgement against them . ? that their counterparts in the sea escaped .?
Wasnt it humans ? that offended God Jehovah / Yahweh, YHWH , or whoever you want to call him ?
Apologists are not expecting us to beleive that whales , dolphins , fish , krill , plankton , etc. were also on the ark ? do they ?
I would appreciate your input for this post , correct me if I am wrong in my assumptions .