JoinedPosts by Viviane
How would you respond?!?!?
by DATA-DOG inan eldub recently said, " sure, we have changed many beliefs in the last 100 years, but christendom has had 2,000 years to clean up their act an they haven't done it.".
this was prompted by today's wt session which mentioned nathan knorr's eager acceptance of rutherford's refinements concerning the 1,260 days.
of course, he also said that he can't really keep up with everything.
So their both poop, just one is more poop? That's a great slogan, "Our religion: Less poop than theirs" -
Dating processes why the big differences?
by Crazyguy ini watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
Viviane are you stating that all the dating processes used were manipulated by the makers of the documentary?
Did I say that?
Or these guys that dated the material not experts in their field?
Did I say that?
I would think if there was a conspiracy by the creators of the show or the ones in it, they would of had some consistency in the dating not the wide range of dating that came out.
They guys who created the material the documentary is based on are Vedic creationists. Like every other creationist out there pushing an agenda that doesn't comport with reality, they seek to cause confusion. They use outliers or mistakes and distort data to prop up their agenda. Their agenda, BTW, is to push their version of creationism. Consistent scientific results show the opposite of what they want, it's in their interest to have conflicting results. There is no conspiracy, they are simply and utterly misrepresenting data in every way they can.
Im not sure if this happens at other sites as well but how can any dating science be taken seriously if no two can come up with the same timeline?
You are being lied to and falling for it.
Dating processes why the big differences?
by Crazyguy ini watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
It shouldn't surprise us that information and even facts can be suppressed by powerful institutions for their own agendas, protecting their "status quo" so to speak.
Science is rewarded ONLY for changing the status quo. If you think scientists, in general, are interested in preserving the status quo, you've science exactly backwards.
As far as the Brahmic Veda connection, at least it was no where mention in the film and I doubt that can be tied to any of the original archaeologist at the site as a motive for their work.
The authors of the book and documentary are neither archeologists nor scientists of any kind. Amazing what five minutes on Google can show you.
Michael A. Cremo (born July 15, 1948), also known by his devotional name Drutakarmā dāsa, is an American freelance researcher who identifies himself as a Vedic creationist and an "alternative archeologist"[1][2][3] and argues that humans have lived on the earth for billions of years
Richard Leslie Thompson, also known as Sadaputa Dasa[4] (February 4, 1947 – September 18, 2008), was an American mathematician,[2][3] author and Gaudiya Vaishnava religious figure, known principally for his promotion of Vedic creationism[5] and as the co-author (with Michael Cremo) of Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race (1993), which has been widely criticised by the scientific communityOne thing for sure is that this site has been shut down by powerful entities who are not concerned about the story these artifacts tell.
In what way is that "for sure"?
Site Update: Jan 10, 2015
by Simon ini've made some updates to the user section of the site.
besides some cosmetic tweaks the most notable new feature is the ability to see a listing of the topics someone has posted on - this includes topics they started as well as topics they replied to.. it will look like this when you go to a user page or your own profile page:.
Thankfully the USA left home a long time ago. We are no longer to blame.
You're just jealous because you Scottish still have the English training wheels on ;)
Site Update: Jan 10, 2015
by Simon ini've made some updates to the user section of the site.
besides some cosmetic tweaks the most notable new feature is the ability to see a listing of the topics someone has posted on - this includes topics they started as well as topics they replied to.. it will look like this when you go to a user page or your own profile page:.
You might want to select proper English as opposed to the strange lingo that has evolved in the former colony.
That's racist against New Zealand.
When they ask in exasperation; "But what if it IS the Truth?"
by nicolaou inthis is how robert ingersoll responded to a fundamentalist's question, 'what if it's the truth?
' back in the 19th century.
"why," they say to me, "suppose all this should turn out to be true, and you should come to the day of judgement and find all these things to be true.
I had someone say that to me the other day, I said a version of that plus something like "Out of the 30,000 known gods and goddesses throughout history, what if any of the others were right? What if Islam, Judaism, worship of Thor, Odin, Ra, Jupiter, Zoroaster, Mithra, Ebisu or ANY others is the one you should have been worshiping or, what if you DID get the right god but the wrong sect? There are over 30000 of those around today and hundreds of others that are barely known to historians? You're asking me to bet how I live my entire life on those odds? On the odds that you, out of all of history, have figured out the right god, the right way to worship with the right rituals? -
Dating processes why the big differences?
by Crazyguy ini watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
Any way my details may be a bit off but the questions mainly is, in the show its show these people using several different dating techniques and yet no two were even close to each other Why???
Because these guys that wrote the book this video is based on are cranks that distort, cherry pick and use out of context "science" to somehow connect the history of humans with their Brahmic Veda religion. They don't want it to match.
Is this a discussion forum or a debating forum , which is it ?
by smiddy indo you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
And by the way, there is nothing formal or in the least bit professional or even mannerly, in the 'debates' that happen regularly on here.
lol, Robert's Rules ...... I doubt if anyone reading this ever even heard of them.
Assuming you meant Robert's Rules of Order, it's a guide for parliamentary procedure, not online discussion and, as such, contains guidelines (not rules) for obtaining the floor, speaking, ensuring everyone is using the same language and is on the same footing (i.e., not suggesting, as you did, that other people are stupid), making motions, etc..
It's got nothing to do with online debate, debate teams, etc.
Please post new forum feedback or questions here
by Simon inwell, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
*sigh*, you're a software engineer, the answer is supposed to be "that's a new feature, not a bug".
Seriously, though, thanks for changing that!
/BTW, technically I know that wasn't a bug, per se, but the joke doesn't work otherwise. At least I didn't have to fill out a DCR or anything.
Please post new forum feedback or questions here
by Simon inwell, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
One thing I miss is the ability to see every topic I've posted on when I click on my name, like the old "Topics Posted On" link (may be there and I just can't find it)
and the ability to go directly to the last page of a thread from the Topics pages.Nevermind that one, just saw Simon's post on it.
Those are minor, otherwise everything seems fine.