In a way they are like Jehovah's witnesses on steroids, they tear everything down.
That implies there is or should have been something of value there in the first place.
do you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
In a way they are like Jehovah's witnesses on steroids, they tear everything down.
That implies there is or should have been something of value there in the first place.
in audacity of hope he writes: i will stand with the muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
the quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of the audacity of hope.. he couildn't march in solidarity.
yesterday the "political winds shift" happened.
do you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
The only faith that is uncontested and encouraged here is atheism.
People here disagree with atheism all the time.Your statement is demonstrably untrue. Nor is atheism a faith of any sort.
in audacity of hope he writes: i will stand with the muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
the quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of the audacity of hope.. he couildn't march in solidarity.
yesterday the "political winds shift" happened.
Vivane, Ooh WT style DENIAL; you are clearley 100% blind to this president and his administration.
Denial? WTF are you talking about? Facts simply show that your claims could not possibly be more wrong or distorted. Not sure why you have an adversity to being less wrong.
in audacity of hope he writes: i will stand with the muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.
the quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of the audacity of hope.. he couildn't march in solidarity.
yesterday the "political winds shift" happened.
In “Audacity of Hope” he writes: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” The quote comes from page 261 of the paperback edition of “The Audacity of Hope.
Except that's not in any way true.
"future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
Ooh, WT style selective cherry picking! Let's look at the full quote. It's not what you claim, BTW.
The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in
Egypt – it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted
“Muslims, Christians, we are one.” The future must not belong to those
who bully women – it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those
who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just
like our sons. The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal
a country’s resources – it must be won by the students and
entrepreneurs; workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity
for all people. Those are the men and women that America stands with;
theirs is the vision we will support.
Sounds to me like Obama sympathizes with Jihadists. He had the audacity to utter these words before the UN over the Benghazi video. It's sicikening to think about him in his position as the POTUS
You are clearly 100% wrong in every conceivable way on these things.
i watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
This in itself gives this documentary some merit.
Oh? Please explain specifically and clearly why a documentary by two non-scientist creationist pushing discredited, distorted and proven dishonest pseudoscience deserves any merit.
Is it being spun to some degree or is the story told with some bias? No doubt. But then we are all adults and can come to our own conclusions.
Given that all you are doing is pushing credence to pseudoscience and changing the subject as often as you can, not all of us are acting or thinking like adults.
i watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
Just how "are two non-scientists creationists making standard anti-science and disproved creationist claims" in this video/documentary?
Hi, have you met Google? If not, Google wanted me to remind you that I'm not your research assistant. She also wanted me to let you know that, if you don't know anything about this video and the people behind it, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be debating it's merits. That's called an argument from ignorance. Google it!
i watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
I dont really care about this documentary even though it was interesting again my question was related to the science of dating material and why there seems to be no consistency in the results.
The people behind the documentary are creationists with an agenda the requires discrediting known science and evidence.
i watched a documentary last night where they found old bones and spear heads in mexico.
this work was originally started in the 60s but they went back over the decades.
the main researcher dated the items at about 20,000 years old.
Ultimately truth wins out but sometimes it can take decades or more. The above documentary is some proof of that IMHO.
How, specifically, are two non-scientists creationists making standard anti-science and disproven creationist claims proof that mega corporations or governments are distorting science, evidence and hiding the origins of man for profit?
an eldub recently said, " sure, we have changed many beliefs in the last 100 years, but christendom has had 2,000 years to clean up their act an they haven't done it.".
this was prompted by today's wt session which mentioned nathan knorr's eager acceptance of rutherford's refinements concerning the 1,260 days.
of course, he also said that he can't really keep up with everything.