JoinedPosts by Viviane
Exactly what is the HISTORIC view of the DIVINE or of what being GOD meant long ago?
by TerryWalstrom inthe purpose of this topic is twofold.. first, any who are endlessly fascinated by scholarship, practised by genuine bible scholars, are urged by me to do what i did, subscribe to bart ehrman's blog.
the subscription money (as little as $3.95) goes entirely to charity.. secondarily, by broadening our view of the new testament era on up through two millennia to the present day, our knowledge of all things 'christian' is deepened to include actual knowledge (as opposed to watchtower fabrication.
by this i don't mean to imply you'll fall to your knees and get saved, but rather, you'll simply have facts to inform your present transitional mindset toward whatever end you finally choose.. now .
That's an except from his book "How Jesus Became God", quite good. He provides many examples in both scripture and other Jewish literature of a continuum of divinity with Judaism with men becoming divine, gods becoming man, angel worship and polytheism. -
My sister was invited to a Judicial Committee
by opusdei1972 intoday i called to my sister and she told me that two elders went to her house to announce her that a judicial committe is waiting her in the kingdom hall this friday.
she told them that she will confirm if she will go.
however, i have told her that she shouldn't go, instead she should ask them to write a formal letter, with signatures, asking her for which charges she should be submitted in a private room with two men (or three?
I recommend the Ricky Defense.
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
What? You've never had the coconut rice before
I am partial to jasmine rice. I love kabobs with jasmine rice...lamb, beef, kofta...
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
let's be more loving, tolerant of differing opinions and enjoy each other's company. That's what we, or at least I come here for. I love different opinions, beliefs, etc.
Sorry, I don't just ignore idiot assholes showing up calling me a liar. That's exactly what we tolerated at the KH. Why would I/we tolerate it here?
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
A fantabulous and eloquacious pallet, Nic. -
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
Oatmeal cookies and tomato juice. So good.
A turkey and cheese sandwich with dilled potato salad.
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
YOURE RIGHT I AM SORRY, I will not assume you dont know about the bible...I WILL JUST COME OUT AND TELL YOU THAT YOU DONT....better?
Much better. Now your idiocy is at least logically consistent. Besides being an idiot, do you have a specific point?
American Sniper - courage or cowardice?
by Simon inthe movie american sniper is breaking box office records and of course there is some irony that a movie about a sniper is released on martin luther king day (who was shot by one).. but of course there is a world of difference between an assassin and a military sniper ... or is there?.
some are making a big stink about it and claiming that "snipers are cowards".
it seems unfair to me.
@isle of lewis In turn , you atheists, who lyin about being jws? who cares about your views of THEM?
Have you tried not being a moron?
American Sniper - courage or cowardice?
by Simon inthe movie american sniper is breaking box office records and of course there is some irony that a movie about a sniper is released on martin luther king day (who was shot by one).. but of course there is a world of difference between an assassin and a military sniper ... or is there?.
some are making a big stink about it and claiming that "snipers are cowards".
it seems unfair to me.
I'm as libby lib lib as they come and I can say with no reservation, Michael Moore is an absolute idiot.
Chris Kyle, just like every one of us, had both good and bad qualities that were enhanced by his life experiences. How we are portrayed can be either good or bad depending upon what the portrayer chooses to focus on.
Albert Einstein was a serial cheater. Ben Franklin loved prostitutes and was a serial liar. James Joyce loved to write his wife dirty letters about how much he loved her farts. Beethoven wrote 40 letters that we know of with poop jokes, several of them regarding poop and sex and licking anuses. So it goes.
by atheist_R_stupid inbeing that this is not "ex jws" and in fact, more driven by atheists talking a bunch of crap, im not even going to address you people like you know anything about jws because you dont.
nor am i going to assume you know the bible because none of you do.. and yes, im speaking down at you all because you men have actually went out your way to make a site to speak down at an entire group of people.
yet i bet you cant even handle a single uswer talking down at you, like you talk down about jws can you?.
Behold! My tastebuds were aflame with I can only describe as an epiphany of taste. To any who doubt this combo - I recommend a taste.
That sounds cromulent.