Almighty God was the center of belief and any divinity that a human (or
angel) possessed, whether prophet, priest or king, was conferred by
their godliness and holiness in relation to THE God and His statutes and
That is incorrect. Ancient semitic, including the Hebrew peoples worshiped many god. Asherah, El, Yahwel, etc. Later it was distilled down to one god. Angels were worshiped, other gods, all kinds of things.
what we see with the jewish religious authorities is inquiry regarding
the divinity of Jesus and the escalation of contempt for Him once He
crossed the strict division between god and God
There was no strict division. Read the first commandment, about Ba'el or prohibitions on angel worship.
(which they understood to be equality with God. ie: God) and not merely a son of God(which was equated with divinity)
Divinity was a continuum, not a black and whit division.
So, I disagree with his general statement that modern ideas about the
"divine realm" are different than ancient ideas about the divine realm.
Disagree all you like, it doesn't change the fact in any way. The evidence in your bible if you choose to look at it.