Genesis 1:1 states how the earth was vacany and chaos and is generally
translated to being without form and void. The wording of it to me
describes the birth of a planet, a cloud of dust.
That's you interpreting it that way. That's not what it says. A cloud of dust that would eventually form the earth and other planets is not the earth. Besides which, Genesis also says God's spirit was hovering over the water ON the earth, which didn't exist or have water.
Now the next part many claim proves it's all crap because it says light
and darkness came and he made day and night BEFORE the sun and moon.
That is because you aren't reading what it says. It doesn't claim the
light is from the sun and that day and night are the result of the sun
Not knowing that the Sun is what lights the earth proves Genesis is scientifically accurate? I don't think so.
What light is can be debated, if it's light from the other stars then
speed of light can mean by this point the light has reached earth.
What light is isn't debated. What you are doing is attempting to inject something into Genesis that it never says rather than just read what it says.
Next is says the seeds for plants are created, not full grown plants out of nowhere but seeds.
Wrong again: Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”
Back to Genesis, after the seeds are made, then the sun comes. (no
animals or water life yet because it would have been impossible.
So, plants, trees, etc., are possible but not water life without the Sun? All from starlight? I don't think so.
It's also interesting that recent studies have shown that some water on the Earth is OLDER than the sun.
It's interesting how? Is it your expectation that the newly born sun would have burned long enough to fuse oxygen? Even if it had, how does that relate to Genesis?
Now if you ignore that a creator is responsible for everything in
Genesis, with the description and order of things, what is wrong about