JoinedPosts by Viviane
Bible Christianity is Holy baloney
by Half banana inunderpinning all the claims of the jw org is a belief in the sanctity of the bible as gods word.
this holy assumption is certainly never challenged by the watchtower and neither does the believer dare to use critical thinking to evaluate the source of his or her beliefs.
the watchtower org, for obvious reasons would not do this as they would need to sell up and hand back the money were they to admit that the bible is just a piece of literature and not divine in origin.
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
The big difference between me and you and everybody else is that I'M THE REAL DEAL. You talk tough, but you can match that with any authority. I have the Biblical authority that not even the WTS has
Oh, good gravy, here we go. "I am special, listen to me!"
Seen it, heard it, fails every time. If you expect to be taken seriously, you've need more than that.
But I'm higher. Trust me on that. So let's start our little competition
You're competition is with reality, not me.
QUESTION: Matthew 12:40 says Jesus was in the grave for "three nights." Jesus rose on a Saturday night. So:
WHAT THREE NIGHTS WAS JESUS IN THE GRAVE?The Bible doesn't say Jesus rose on a Saturday night. Try again. Try a less nonsensical question.
You're still competing with reality. And losing.
Now if you should decide not to play and not answer the question, dear, I'm going to have a different response for you. Trust Me. I've been at this much longer than you have, sweetie. Okay? This is just me and you, SHARING Bible topics, okay? Now try to focus for me just for a second here. Here we go:
I get your latent and hidden misogyny in your attempt to use diminutive and dismissive words. Given that your worship a bloodthirsty psychopath
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
I don't get it. Lots of people believe in heaven and the Bible and all that. Are they all "crazy" also?
Crazy? No. People that look at signs and try to predict the future and make up ridiculous things about the UN, martial law, the CIA and drug and gun running are, to be sure. You're average Christian is simply not investigating reality and fortunately, apathetic to the horrors their holy book commands them to commit.
My position is to respect a person's personal journey and their experience, whether they can fit God into that or not. An atheist is still a person with feelings. If that's where his mind is right now, then that's on him.
Ah, veiled threats. Christians often to resort to those when they can't back up their ramblings with rationality and reason.
I think I annoy people because I'm intelligent and still believe.
Well, you're half right.
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
It's not a prophecy, it's an ALERT.You've been talking Prophecy Prophecy Prophecy! in your OP and subsequent posts until suddenly now you're challenged to put your money where your mouth is and you've the ridiculous idea to say I'm lame? Seems like you're not quite sure what words mean or, if you are, willing to stand behind your own words.
I'm just SHARING what is going on with me.
Could you not? I hear from plenty of other Christians fruitcakes that want to preach the future, despite a 100% failure rate, until they get challenged. Spineless behavior like that is in abundance.
I'm just saying, be prepared. Make sure you have extra water and some non-perishables to stay at home and off the streets for a week. Doesn't that make sense? Just in case?
Yeah, except that's not actually what you are saying. Emergency preparedness is an excellent idea and I guarantee you I am more prepared than you for anything. Stop preaching and pretending it's just a general PSA on being prepared.
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
They are both linked to Babylon the Great, they are BTG agencies. The scarlet-colored wild beast kills the harlot; the UN kills the BTG organizations, meaning the Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the CFR and, of course, the CIA.
Yeah, that doesn't explain anything. Try again.
But the point is, that a prophesy will be fulfilled depending on your interpretation and understanding of it. Ifyou don't like this application and you reject it, then it is not fulfilled.
Full stop. If a prophecy is fulfilled if a person thinks so, then every prophecy is a logical impossibility as someone always thinks it is and isn't fulfilled.
It either is or isn't fulfilled. It either predicts something or it doesn't. Your definition of a prophecy and fulfillment is empty and pointless.
Okay, here's how it works. There are four beasts, a Lion (Japan), a Bear (Russia) a 4-headed Leopard with 4 wings and "power indeed" (US and Allies), and a fourth beast that is ambiguous. The 4th beast represents Babylon the great that is destroyed by fire before the other nations are. When the 4th beast is killed, then the rulerships of these other nations are taken away and they are given an extension of "life" for "a time and a season."
No prophecy says any of that. Try again.
Actually, I wish you'd run to Wal-Mart and buy what I need, lots of canned goods. Then if the collapse doesn't happen, I'll pay you for it. But if it does happen, then you will have done a good deed giving a poor person food to survive. (smile)
So, no, you aren't willing to put your money where your mouth is. You've no faith in your made up prophecies.
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
God didn't allow the tsunami "in order to take advantage of it to steal souls for His own company"...anymore than He takes advantage of any death.
Slow down.
God either created the universe and rules which directly led to the tsunami or he didn't. If he did, it's his fault because he his all powerful and all knowing and knew it would happen. If he didn't and he is merely redeeming souls (whatever that means), he is simply an opportunistic soul thief. Either way, God is
God didn't allow the tsunami "in order to take advantage of it to steal souls for His own company"...anymore than He takes advantage of any death.
What does redeeming mean?
I'm the one who is finding and pointing out the moral high ground and you're not. You CAN'T find any moral high ground in the situation of a tsunami (as an atheist) because natural occurances don't happen with any thought to morality.
You've yet to explain how your god being responsible or redeeming i high ground. Claiming things is easy. You've done that. Demonstrating those claims is harder. That you've not done.
The best reasonable, rational, intelligent discussion on religion I've ever seen
by TerryWalstrom in
Elaine, you're the one that worships a god either directly responsible for the tragedy or one who simply took advantage of it to steal souls for his own personal company.
Either way, you using words like dignity and attempting to take the moral highground when you willingly worship a blood soaked raging psychopath who murders on a whim is comedy of the sickest order.
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
Personally I think Emmy Rossum is gorgeous. -
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
Uh... Have you seen her lately? The word "haggard" comes to mind... -
Four Blood Moons might be significant
by CharlieSmith1975 in
the bible does say that the "day of jehovah" (armageddon) would be associated with the sun becoming dark followed by the moon turning to blood.
but the moon turning to blood is specific to a total lunar eclipse.
I have a better chance of winning the lottery, being hit by lightning, dating Lindsay Lohan . .. . .
I'm not sure you know what the word "better" means.... ;)