In court, an attorney can use any statement or written information and use it to show what he represents it to mean or what he concludes it means as it favors his theory but an analytical reader is impartial and his objective is to understand the author.
Yes. All evidence points to the Bible not being science book or sciency or reconciling with science in any meaningful way.
Regarding YOUR conclusion that the Bible and Science do not reconcile is a very B ROAD statement. It is quite a burden to prove what you have stated.
That's no more my conclusion that the fact that it's Monday in NYC as I write this. It's simply the observable facts.
But my post is not about that nor is any desire that I have shown to learn more about theories or to examine scientific evidence relating to HOW (to quote the PHD) the universe was formed, a concession that God does not exist.
Yeah, that's I said. You're arguing but agreeing with me. Weird.
I refer you to re-read the theme of this thread as it relates to my post. Also, I am only expressing how I think. I am not trying to persuade you to see things my way.
No thanks, I've already read your comments.