JoinedPosts by Viviane
If this isn't the truth, then what is our hope?
by Gigi2121 ini'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.
Go live a great life. -
Asshole Atheism – Not for me, now or ever.
by donny into start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
Interestingly, people of faith can say things like "I hope you enjoy the heat" or "You'll wish you had believed when you're in hell" and totally get away with it 100%, simply because someone doesn't believe in God. They can literally tell someone they will be tortured in fire for eternity and it's considered a kindness.
However, that say person being told "I think religion and belief in invisible creatures is stupid" is somehow persecution and the person telling them is an asshole.
Yeah, not how it works.
First law of thermodynamics vs God vs Big Bang
by EndofMysteries infirst law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
I have several questions. They are not rhetorical.
Seriously, every question you asked can be answered via youtube videos by actual physicists and books.
What is with people coming onto forums and declaring "that can't be true because I don't understand it!" when they've done absolutely no work whatsoever to learn anything about it?
First law of thermodynamics vs God vs Big Bang
by EndofMysteries infirst law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
Imagine the characters instead of being pre programmed with what they would do, they had very high AI and were able to learn, become self aware, and make choices, etc. You would be the God of that world.
Imagine you saw the matrix, or ever heard of a virus or man in the middle attacks or elevated priviledge attacks. Had you knowledge of any of those things you would know there is no "God of that world" in computing.
"Scientist Discover Atheists Might Not Exist..." "This is not a Joke!"
by JWCart incrofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
From what I understand, the findings had not been confirmed when the announcement was made and the scientists working on it were transparent about it. Upon further scrutiny, the waves were actually dust. Thankfully, the "retraction" barely registered in the media.
So... science worked exactly as expected.
Excited about the CO visit
by StarTrekAngel induring the many years of being a jw, i could never really bring myself to be exited about the co's visit.
this has been an issue that always kept me wondering back to religions.
why could not feel the same happiness that made everyone around me cry during the sunday service?
Ugh, the CO visit. Glad I no longer have to deal with any of that in any way. -
First law of thermodynamics vs God vs Big Bang
by EndofMysteries infirst law of thermodynamics, that energy cannot be created or destroyed but changed from one form to another.
how does that fit in with god and the big bang to you?
does it make one make more sense then the other to you?
In court, an attorney can use any statement or written information and use it to show what he represents it to mean or what he concludes it means as it favors his theory but an analytical reader is impartial and his objective is to understand the author.
Yes. All evidence points to the Bible not being science book or sciency or reconciling with science in any meaningful way.
Regarding YOUR conclusion that the Bible and Science do not reconcile is a very B ROAD statement. It is quite a burden to prove what you have stated.
That's no more my conclusion that the fact that it's Monday in NYC as I write this. It's simply the observable facts.
But my post is not about that nor is any desire that I have shown to learn more about theories or to examine scientific evidence relating to HOW (to quote the PHD) the universe was formed, a concession that God does not exist.
Yeah, that's I said. You're arguing but agreeing with me. Weird.
I refer you to re-read the theme of this thread as it relates to my post. Also, I am only expressing how I think. I am not trying to persuade you to see things my way.
No thanks, I've already read your comments.
God does exist here is my nonbiblical reason:
by Curious Kitten in(before you read i hope no one gets offended by the word retarted...that s how i thought when i was 13)my mom and dad are divorced and my father never helped my mother on raising us, so basically she was a single-mother.
he just abandoned my three brothers and me and my mother had to work two jobs all of the time so we never got to see her.
when we did see her it was after school, but all she did was yell at us, make food, and leave to her next job.
He's written a book called "The Spirit Molecule", and a documentary film of the same name has been made. This is all peer reviewed science.... no new age mumbo jumbo
Books and documentaries aren't peer reviewed science.
I will say that it seems that god's natural language is silence and everything else has been a bad translation.
I am absolutely stealing that line.
Gave blood today for the first time!
by Viviane inred cross had a blood drive near me, i decided to go give blood.
i hydrated well, ate some red meat for the iron last night and at lunch, we and gave a pint of blood.
i felt mildly embarrassed, i had no idea what my blood type was.
Thanks TD. Now that I am on their list, I am giving blood again next month. You can only donate every 90 days. An upside is that I also now know my blood type! -
Ayn Rand - Opinions?
by cappytan infor those of you familiar with ayn rand and her ideas on morality, rationality and reason, what is your opinion of those ideas?.
i'm talking about her actual ideas, not the ideals that libertarianism has adopted and, in some cases, perverted.
do you think she's a charlatan?
Cappytan has created a fine opportunity for discussion about Ayn Rand in this thread, and I'd hate to hijack it with personality colorations from respondents.
Then ... don't hijack it?
We've been discussing Ayn Rand and philosophy. You seem to think something else is going on. What that is, I've no idea.