JoinedPosts by Viviane
Which school of thought is right about How long were the Israelite's in Egypt 215 or 430 years?
by terrypike ina lot is out there about how long the israelite's were in egypt which can be devided into two schools of thought, those for bishop ushers 215 model or the ex 12: model which stays faithful to the 430 years to the very day ex 12:41 the israelite's left egypt.. historically the dispute goes back a long way at least to the time of jophesus who advocated the view that the isarelites were in canaan before they entered egypt true enough when taken at face value, but look more closely at what the bible says about when jacobs name was changed to israel and then ask the question is there any evidence in the bible that israel was used for the decendent's of abram, isaac or jacob before god changed the name of 97 year old jacob to israel?
a jw i invited to research this confirmed none could be found so that done it remains to look again at the definitions 'decendents' and 'israelite's' to further clarify.. the 400 years affliction as in gen 15: speaks of the decendents of abram only, nowhere does it say anything about the israelites, ex 12: on the other hand refers to the israelite's who came out of egypt 430 years to the very day and says nothing about the decendent's of abram so ex 12: is referring to 'israel' the decendent's of jacob not the decendent's of abram.
consider here that isaac the first born of the line of the promise and a decendent of abraham, died 180 years of age never having set foot in egypt, 10 years before 130 year old jacob/israel entered to reunite the tribal family's as one people, so by no stretch of the imagination can isaac be confused with the israelite's as is so easy to do when the ex 12: 430 year timeline is tied back to the days of abraham as is advocated by the bishop usher model that argues the israelite's were only in egypt 215 years.. gal 3: can be a problem only when read in isolation of other texts, use the same procedure as you would if someone said there was a contradiction with the gospels saying different things and ask them to read all four gospels to get the full picture, like wise with gal 3: which appears to be saying, by itself, that there are only 430 years between the circumcision covenant and the law covenant , read gen 47: and acts 7: to get a more complete picture of what paul has not said about 130 year old jacob's entry into egypt in the second year of famine.. to get the age of jacob start with 30 year old josephs age when he stood before the ruler of egypt and add the 9 year total of 7 years plenty plus two years famine which makes joseph 39, then take josephs 39 years off the age of 130 year old jacob to get 91 the age of jacob when joseph is born as jacob completes his 7 years work with laban for rachael.. jacob then agreed to work on for the beasts and he confirms he had worked a total of 20 years when laban caught up with him: 7 for leah, 7 for rachael, and 6 for the beasts.gen 31:38-41.. the key question when talking with jw's is how old was jacob when his name was changed, ask the questions and let them confirm from the book they trust what it really teaches.. terry.
Ok. Bye. -
How many of you still believe in God or are still Christians?
by JWCartPusher inhello, i asked a new but old friend how many people are still christians after leaving the watchtower's mind control agency, for statistical purposes do you mind if i do a survey and see how many of you are believers?.
please don't post if your not a believer out of respect for this poll, we need to sharpen each other's sword and help build each other up and meet new friends over the internet with faith in god or some other force of the universe.
i asked another person how we can still manage our faith after getting burned by the high group mind control, he had a few ideas but he's not really involved with god because of how life burned him.
Something random? I've no idea what you're talking about. -
Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists
by abiather inliquid water is a requirement for life on earth.
but in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry.
cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world specifically titan, the giant moon of saturn.
EoM, if by "making a point" you mean "making stuff up", then sure.
Otherwise, you are 100% wrong and have not the slightest idea what you are talking about.
How many of you still believe in God or are still Christians?
by JWCartPusher inhello, i asked a new but old friend how many people are still christians after leaving the watchtower's mind control agency, for statistical purposes do you mind if i do a survey and see how many of you are believers?.
please don't post if your not a believer out of respect for this poll, we need to sharpen each other's sword and help build each other up and meet new friends over the internet with faith in god or some other force of the universe.
i asked another person how we can still manage our faith after getting burned by the high group mind control, he had a few ideas but he's not really involved with god because of how life burned him.
The point I was trying to make is there is a big difference between the consciousnesses of man and the origin of the species.
How could humans have evolved into humans but not have consciousness?
The majority of archaeologists agree that the cradle of civilization is Mesopotamia Iraq roughly 6000-10000 years ago.
That pushed back to 12000 years now, in the Levant with a 13000 year old temple in Turkey pushing it even further back, cave drawings, etc., pushing it even FURTHER back.
Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists
by abiather inliquid water is a requirement for life on earth.
but in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry.
cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world specifically titan, the giant moon of saturn.
Let me quote yourself as you love to do in so many other instances, "Read a basic book or google it. I'm not doing the work for you."
I've read many books and googled many things. You still are unable to answer the questions. Pretending to know things you don't isn't very nice.
Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists
by abiather inliquid water is a requirement for life on earth.
but in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry.
cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world specifically titan, the giant moon of saturn.
There are so much of mysteries even on earth. Google it typing ‘south and north pole mysteries’—which we have not yet succeeded. Hence you can’t expect the answer you like about linking to God!Other mysteries have nothing to do with you pretending you knew something about your subject that you brought up and endorsed. I never asked for an answer I liked. I asked you to explain how your subject worked. You've not answered and seem unable to explain any detail of it. Attempting to pretend you've answered and blame me is not appropriate. Simply admit that you don't know how or are able to show it works and just move on.
Israel fears extinction
by abiather inwhat a spirited, brilliant speech isreali pm mr. nethanyahu delivered yesterday to the congress against the negotiated nuclear deal with iran which israel fears would make iran a legitimate nuclear power with the ability to wipe out israel.
he also said: if no one supports, israel would defend itself alone.
I just remembered what i had read some time back:
Hogue is a raging liar asking for money who frequently updates his books when he is proven wrong.
Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists
by abiather inliquid water is a requirement for life on earth.
but in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry.
cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world specifically titan, the giant moon of saturn.
When you are given answer to your question, you have the stereotype response: This is not answer!
I say that because nothing you wrote is in any way close to an actual answer. I asked a specific question about how turning your brain off works and you go on about water pipes. You clearly cannot answer anything about this. You don't actually know anything about this process. That's fine, but you don't get to pretend you do.
Let me enjoy my meditation and benefit from it without any measure!
You are free to not post and go meditate instead of making claims here and get asked questions. Absolutely no one is stopping nor did anyone force you to pretend you knew something about the subject.
Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists
by abiather inliquid water is a requirement for life on earth.
but in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry.
cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world specifically titan, the giant moon of saturn.
There are many people who do not believe man has landed in Moon in 1969 (google search will give you why they feel so). The only answer we can give to them is that ‘you take up your own moon-mission.’
That's neither relevant nor true.
The same applies to you also. You try own meditation.
Can you or can you not actually answer any questions about this process?
When you are in such a pure conscious stage, one day you will come in alignment with THE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS which is your very source. Then you will feel an equalization taking place with regard to what is lacking in you—like water finding its own level which means pipe is connected to a water source.
That is a spectacular non-answer.
So, you can't or simply won't answer any questions about how this meditation process of seeing colors with your brain and senses turned off works and how the communication with God works.
Why, if you can't answer simple questions about this, should anyone take you seriously or bother to read anything you write?
Please Focus on the Bible
by terrypike inhi people, may i firstly thank those who have responded to to my intro article, i am replying to you all as a new topic because the direct messaging is not working for me at the moment so i can clarify my perspective on bible study.
yes there are many arguments that are put forward to demonstrate for example that the bible has been composed of numerous preexisting creation story's ect, my focus is to give the bible the same opportunity to defend itself as anyone reasonably expects if charged with some crime they are not guilty of.. i find for example the account of jesus response when questioned about the divorce certificate 'but it was not so in the beginning' confirms that moses allowed changes to be made to the original, that said consider also the religious traditions moses people had been exposed to, the story of the god enki who seduced even his own grandchildren and the well known incest of the egyptian royalty, given the genetic cost, are such practices any more right now than they were then?
communities that practice close relative marriages today are well documented for there higher risk of numerous health problems so how would you find moses on that basis, guilty or not guilty as jesus did because he understood why moses took the creation story's of other cultures and gave his people there own creation story that taught them to avoid the general pagan practice of incest.before looking any deeper at moses creation story may i also ask the question why does jesus knowing that god promised he would never again destroy the world by a flood as he did in noah's day say 'as in the days of noah ..the flood came and took them all away' so what did jesus actually mean mt 24:.
and can it be measured scientifically ect, the short answer is no because it is not a physical entity
Got it. You've no idea what a soul is, where it is, what it does or what it is made of, but you're sure it exists and can talk confidently about it.
If it doesn't exist physically, how does it exist? Be specific.
but in your reply show no interest in the difference in the medical model as used by othodox medical science as compared with the social model which looks at the effects of circumstances on how one feels and that in turn provides all the evidence you will get from looking to science for the answer as to where is your own soul to be found,actually you have no need to ask anyone about that you just have to be perfectly honest about your own feelings.
My reply shows that I hear about souls, spirit, spirits all the time and am waiting for one person to explain to me what it actually is. So far, you are added to the list of people that claim all sorts of things about it yet can't even tell me what it is.
At best, you're using "soul" as an analogy for "brain".