There are many people who do not believe man has landed in Moon in 1969 (google search will give you why they feel so). The only answer we can give to them is that ‘you take up your own moon-mission.’
That's neither relevant nor true.
The same applies to you also. You try own meditation.
Can you or can you not actually answer any questions about this process?
When you are in such a pure conscious stage, one day you will come in alignment with THE PURE CONSCIOUSNESS which is your very source. Then you will feel an equalization taking place with regard to what is lacking in you—like water finding its own level which means pipe is connected to a water source.
That is a spectacular non-answer.
So, you can't or simply won't answer any questions about how this meditation process of seeing colors with your brain and senses turned off works and how the communication with God works.
Why, if you can't answer simple questions about this, should anyone take you seriously or bother to read anything you write?