JoinedPosts by Viviane
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
All places I don't live. -
God was the cause of the evil
by opusdei1972 inbart ehrman noticed, in his book "god's problem", the fact that god was responsible for job's pain.
to show it, bart quoted the following verse:.
and they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the lord had brought upon him.
Satan sold ALL of Adams children into slavery of sin and then death.
Did he own us? If not how could he sell us? If he did sell us, who to? God did most of the killing, like 99.99999% of it. Why is Satan the bad guy?
I forget where but there is a biblical passage that says that God is the maker of both good and evil.
Isaiah 45:7, an oldie but a goodie.
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Juvenile jaw bone without the wisdom teeth seems more likely than Village Idiot's assessment.
Why do I doubt that you have anything other than exactly zero qualifications to make any kind of anthropological assessement?
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
Yeah, but I don't live in any of those places. -
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
I just was trying to make the point, and yes sarcastically, that as Americans (and I am a gun owner), that if the NRA proposition that more weapons make us safer, then why not extend it to the national and international level?
Well, first of all, the NRA are nutjobs.... unfortunately a needed set of nutjobs because the other side has an equal amount of nutjobs leaning in the other direction. It's a delicate balancing act.
Nethanyahu speach to US Congress - not in sync with NRA position on weapons
by RubaDub ini don't quite understand why mr. nethanyahu is so fearful if iran or other nations have nuclear weapons.
as the nra espouses, the more people are armed and the more weapons on the street, then the safer we should feel.
we all should have the right to protect ourselves.
This was a time when the Jaguar (Third largest big cat in the world) ranged as far north as Canada and could snatch a grown man off of a horse. She describes dangers from wolves, bears, and wolverines as well,
I was all prepared to call BS (in a friendly way, of course) on this and assume you meant a catamount, panther, mountain lion, etc., but I checked it out first. I did not know Jaguars roamed that far north. I learned something!
"When was the last time you worried about what the smell of your cooking might attract?"
I camp a lot, in very remote areas. I have two bear canisters, bear spray, know how to tie up food for bear, have buried my own poop plenty of times. We ALWAYS take at least a few firearms on those trips, usually a .45 and .357.
Jaw Bone of the First Man in Ethiopia Lived.... When?
by Slidin Fast in
so this jaw bone of early man has been dated at 2.8 million years old.
that means that given a margin for error and allowing an unknown but short period of time for adam naming the animals the 1000 years starts in ummm, eerrr.
Madrake, I love your gravatar. Explosm is totes awesome! -
Methane-Based Life Forms Could Exist on Titan (the giant moon of Saturn), say Scientists
by abiather inliquid water is a requirement for life on earth.
but in other, much colder worlds, life might exist beyond the bounds of water-based chemistry.
cornell chemical engineers and astronomers offer a template for life that could thrive in a harsh, cold world specifically titan, the giant moon of saturn.
Well let me refresh your memory. You ask Abiather a question and he tells you to read a book or google. You then say since he didn't answer the question, he is lying about knowing the answer and just won't admit it. And that it's not nice to do that.
Abiather made stuff up, said he could answer questions and did not, eventually attempting to blame me for his not being truthful about being able to answer questions.
So far, not refreshing my memory. Not a good start.
I'll link the thread below, but here are quotes from you do exactly the same thing
Also not refreshing my memory, so -1 for you on that. So, I never claimed had mystical knowledge and could explain it then refused to. Another -1 to you for attempting to compare two different situations. Third, I can explain what you were asking, so another -1 for you. Note that "can explain it" is not in any way "promised to explain it" or "offered to explain it". The reason I did that is that people HAD attempted to answer you and provided quite helpful information you were rejecting on the basis of personal incredulity and not having bothered to actually study the subject prior to rejecting explanations you didn't bother to understand. Another -1 to you.
Different situations that are nothing alike but shared some words, how do they work? Google it or read a book, although I will offer you a helpful example. When someone I am spending warm and fuzzy time with slaps me lightly on the booty and calls me a whore during the warm and fuzzy time, it's not the same as a an uneducated religious nutjob calling me a whore for not wearing a skirt. Same words, different context and situation.
So in conclusion, you also reply and claim to know things that you don't and don't admit you don't know the answers. If you don't want people to be an ahole and tell you to read a book or google or you think that's not nice, then take a look in the mirror and stop doing it yourself.
In conclusion, you are making stuff up, exactly as I said. Besides, why would you think I DON'T want to be a asshole (you can say the word, we're adults) to people that make stuff up? Making assumptions about other people? Another -1 to you.
Not a good start.
God was the cause of the evil
by opusdei1972 inbart ehrman noticed, in his book "god's problem", the fact that god was responsible for job's pain.
to show it, bart quoted the following verse:.
and they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the lord had brought upon him.
God does kill roughly 1000000x the number of people as Satan does in the Bible. -
Which school of thought is right about How long were the Israelite's in Egypt 215 or 430 years?
by terrypike ina lot is out there about how long the israelite's were in egypt which can be devided into two schools of thought, those for bishop ushers 215 model or the ex 12: model which stays faithful to the 430 years to the very day ex 12:41 the israelite's left egypt.. historically the dispute goes back a long way at least to the time of jophesus who advocated the view that the isarelites were in canaan before they entered egypt true enough when taken at face value, but look more closely at what the bible says about when jacobs name was changed to israel and then ask the question is there any evidence in the bible that israel was used for the decendent's of abram, isaac or jacob before god changed the name of 97 year old jacob to israel?
a jw i invited to research this confirmed none could be found so that done it remains to look again at the definitions 'decendents' and 'israelite's' to further clarify.. the 400 years affliction as in gen 15: speaks of the decendents of abram only, nowhere does it say anything about the israelites, ex 12: on the other hand refers to the israelite's who came out of egypt 430 years to the very day and says nothing about the decendent's of abram so ex 12: is referring to 'israel' the decendent's of jacob not the decendent's of abram.
consider here that isaac the first born of the line of the promise and a decendent of abraham, died 180 years of age never having set foot in egypt, 10 years before 130 year old jacob/israel entered to reunite the tribal family's as one people, so by no stretch of the imagination can isaac be confused with the israelite's as is so easy to do when the ex 12: 430 year timeline is tied back to the days of abraham as is advocated by the bishop usher model that argues the israelite's were only in egypt 215 years.. gal 3: can be a problem only when read in isolation of other texts, use the same procedure as you would if someone said there was a contradiction with the gospels saying different things and ask them to read all four gospels to get the full picture, like wise with gal 3: which appears to be saying, by itself, that there are only 430 years between the circumcision covenant and the law covenant , read gen 47: and acts 7: to get a more complete picture of what paul has not said about 130 year old jacob's entry into egypt in the second year of famine.. to get the age of jacob start with 30 year old josephs age when he stood before the ruler of egypt and add the 9 year total of 7 years plenty plus two years famine which makes joseph 39, then take josephs 39 years off the age of 130 year old jacob to get 91 the age of jacob when joseph is born as jacob completes his 7 years work with laban for rachael.. jacob then agreed to work on for the beasts and he confirms he had worked a total of 20 years when laban caught up with him: 7 for leah, 7 for rachael, and 6 for the beasts.gen 31:38-41.. the key question when talking with jw's is how old was jacob when his name was changed, ask the questions and let them confirm from the book they trust what it really teaches.. terry.
I save my warm and fuzzies for people I want to be near my warm and fuzzy,not people pretending to know things on the internet.