Well let me refresh your memory. You ask Abiather a question and he tells you to read a book or google. You then say since he didn't answer the question, he is lying about knowing the answer and just won't admit it. And that it's not nice to do that.
Abiather made stuff up, said he could answer questions and did not, eventually attempting to blame me for his not being truthful about being able to answer questions.
So far, not refreshing my memory. Not a good start.
I'll link the thread below, but here are quotes from you do exactly the same thing
Also not refreshing my memory, so -1 for you on that. So, I never claimed had mystical knowledge and could explain it then refused to. Another -1 to you for attempting to compare two different situations. Third, I can explain what you were asking, so another -1 for you. Note that "can explain it" is not in any way "promised to explain it" or "offered to explain it". The reason I did that is that people HAD attempted to answer you and provided quite helpful information you were rejecting on the basis of personal incredulity and not having bothered to actually study the subject prior to rejecting explanations you didn't bother to understand. Another -1 to you.
Different situations that are nothing alike but shared some words, how do they work? Google it or read a book, although I will offer you a helpful example. When someone I am spending warm and fuzzy time with slaps me lightly on the booty and calls me a whore during the warm and fuzzy time, it's not the same as a an uneducated religious nutjob calling me a whore for not wearing a skirt. Same words, different context and situation.
So in conclusion, you also reply and claim to know things that you don't and don't admit you don't know the answers. If you don't want people to be an ahole and tell you to read a book or google or you think that's not nice, then take a look in the mirror and stop doing it yourself.
In conclusion, you are making stuff up, exactly as I said. Besides, why would you think I DON'T want to be a asshole (you can say the word, we're adults) to people that make stuff up? Making assumptions about other people? Another -1 to you.
Not a good start.