Viviane and all the other religious faith haters
Well, you start out 100% wrong. I don't hate religious faith. It's more like falafel to me. I don't hate it, I just have never tried any I like. Everyone tells me it's delicious, but I've no use for it in any way.
Why all the hostility, why do you have so much angst for people of faith?
You've never seen me hostile, so you really are speaking of things you don't understand. Perhaps you mistake an open and honest discussion about ideas where BS woo answers that make no sense aren't accepted and an easy pass for hostility against people?
Also, realize that even in the world of science and medicine, there are unknowns, and have been miscalculations and error. Does it make them ignorant because of that, or any less intelligent for putting forth something that was understood at the time to be correct but now after refinements and increased knowledge the answers or solutions have been modified.
So, you clearly don't know how science works. Science is based upon NOT knowing everying. "I don't know" is the driving force behind all of science. Science and scientist don't claim to have the answers, they claim to have the highest state of knowledge of how things work that is currently possible and know, hope, even, for better knowledge to come along. You have science 100% backwards.
Why can't scientific people simply say "I don't know"? What is wrong with that level of honesty?
That, in fact, is the driving force behind science. We don't know things, so they keep looking. We know some things we think aren't right, so we keep looking. You COMPLETELY get science backwards.
Look, I apologize, I am being really sarcastic to make a point, and I do understand what you’re conveying, but please do not categorize all theologians or religious persons of faith as unreasoned or illogical, and for the smart ass that wants to argue faith and reason is mutually exclusive, do not waste your time.
No need to apologize. You *think* you are being sarcastic but that's only because you have everything you said backwards.
All and all, there are many viewpoints to each side, I make no claim to having the correct side, but I do get to form my own conclusions without prejudice or fear of malice.
Absolutely. Should, however, you choose to bring those conclusions up in a public forum, they will be treated as any other irrational idea. One side has evidence, the other side has people that get upset when their continual claims prove false.