Let's be clear about your words "then it's OK to do."
What I've said is that if something is not illegal then it's OKAY in terms of legality. Saying "then it's OK to do" is amuch broader concept and is why I've objected to things you suggested of my comments.
Yes, if it's not illegal, then it's OK to do. You're arguing with yourself, I hope you realize.
I'm sure your view of yourself is different than mine, but on this subject you're not a very good communicator plus you're anxious to accuse. In my case you've either intentionally contorted things I've said in attempt to construct a strawman to then object to, or else you've completely missed the boat.
I'm quoting you. I can't help it if you want to argue that your words mean something other than what you keep saying.
Another excuse for not answering the question asked.
I've never said I would answer it nor am I obligated in any sense to answer it. It just so happens that the question doesn't make sense concurrent with my complete lack of obligation.
What do you think about a Miss White USA pageant? Is this a fine thing or should courts assert punitive measures to cause this discrimination based on race to cease?
I find it fascinating that you keep asking a question that doesn't make sense.