Your argument is biased, and does not account for all the murders and blood spilled that man has done in just developing one weapon of mass destruction. Take the nuclear bomb that was developed to drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Do you realize how many lives were sacrificed in the name of science to test and develop that weapon?
What does any of this have to do with religious people pretending to know things they don't?
Which is a sanitized way of saying they had a belief and subsequentfaith that it would result in proving their initial calculations. But even with all the scientific methods they employ, they were incorrect, as they would not have misled the residents initially.
What does any of this have to do with religious people pretending to know things they don't?
Also, do understand that faith is not unjustified belief, you could not be more incorrect on this matter and would do well to realize that the science in which you “believe” is based on theory and hypothesis, and there are many unproven postulates an all areas of scientific study.
You clearly don't understand science, so I would question why you pretend to do so.
My point is that somehow having a theological view got entwined with ignorance and an illogical thought processes. This is quite frankly offensive.
You take offense at reality, then.
I do not pontificate illogical unreasonable conclusions.
The posts you've made here prove otherwise.
And when we are discussing the origins of the universe and life, I am sorry but at the end of the day, science (actually the political) answer to the question is just as silly as that of a creationist. We are all hypnotizing and looking to prove them.
Another case of proving you've no idea what you are talking about.
I sincerely hope you don’t need faith to believe in that the next vaccination or inoculation you need to get, because the fact is you surely do, especially when you do not know the outcome. You may have some idea based on statistical analysis, but there is no guarantee or assuredness, and that my friend is still blind faith.
And as is sadly typical, theists end with attempting to equate their non-sense with actual knowledge and tell other people what they think and totally get words wrong on what they mean.
You've just proven that you are illogical and ignorant (meaning "lacking knowledge") on the subject you write on. You may find that offensive, but it's objective reality.