Yes Vivian I call him God you can call him creator or whoever but there is a lot of beauty to enjoy each day.
I don't call something like that anything. What does a god that causes the death of everything that ever lived have to do with beauty?
I would hope that each of us would set a little time aside to appreciate some of it. The beauty can be found in nature, in music, in poetry, in dance.
You're missing the point. You said we NEED to appreciate the beauty God gave us. What, functionally, is different from appreciating a sunset because we know scientifically how it works vs. appreciating it because you believe in God? What need is going unfulfilled in the former that's being met in the latter.
Look around Vivian, I think a lot of the ugly can be blamed on mankind.
Vivian what are the circumstances of the child in the second picture?
That is an infant that was born with leukemia. If your god gets credit for healthy children, why doesn't he get credit for the second?
As far as blaming man, in the god scenario, we are god's children. You would not blame a child for accidentally pulling the trigger if a gun was left out, so why do you attempt to blame the children here? Why do you blame the victim? Why wouldn't you blame the really shitty parent that created all of these horrors?