EA916 resoundingly yes prophets and their prophecies are important. Indeed there was an expectation of messiah based on Daniel's prophecy during the period of the 1st century.
And none of those expectations were met.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
EA916 resoundingly yes prophets and their prophecies are important. Indeed there was an expectation of messiah based on Daniel's prophecy during the period of the 1st century.
And none of those expectations were met.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
Isaiah, if it was written by one author, predicted Cyrus by name over a century in advance, giving precise details of what he would do.
That's why I brought it up.
Which is completely unrelated to the prophecy you brought up. If you want to discuss a prophecy about Cyrus, please cite the chapter and verse, what it said would happen and we can discuss.
Until then, you've failed to provide a prophecy that accurately predicted what would happen.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
Well, another issue, is that skeptics will always attempt to date the writing of a book *after* the prophecy is fulfilled.
I didn't mention any of that. I have no idea why you are bringing it up.
The fact of the matter is that you not provided a prophecy that says what will happen with evidence that the things happened.
hello, i am certainly new to all of this.
i have recently been studying the prophecy's, and i was wondering if they are of any importance at all?
I respectfully disagree. There is one in particular that even the most skeptical scholars on earth admit was written at least 160 years before Jesus' birth:
That scripture doesn't say anything about Jesus. In fact, if you don't arbitrarily stop at verse 26, it also says that this "Anointed One" would, in the middle of the 62x7s, abolish sacrifice and cause an abomination and desolation in the temple, which clearly didn't happen, so I've no idea how you are imagining this prophecy was in any way fulfilled.
Even Jewish, non-Christian scholars have said that the 69 "sevens" means 69 multiplied by 7 years.
That takes us directly to the year 33 A.D. when Jesus died as Messiah.
Except it says there will be 70 7's, one seven, sevens, and 62 7's. Nowhere does it say or allude to 69.
You've still not shown us a prophecy that tells us what will happen, who will do it and when.
after leaving the organisation 10 years ago i fought with everything i had to stay in my marriage and with my three children.
after a tumultuous number of years trying to maintain a happy family life while living in a divided home, it's finally over.
the religion is single handedly responsible for destroying my marriage and my family.
jesus was a jew who apparently thought he was the messiah, however, after dying, his disciples began to propagate the lie that he would return from heaven during his generation.
but, his generation passed away, and it was clear that it was a false prophecy, then a dishonest christian wrote the second letter of peter so as to condemn those who realised that the prophecy was a fiasco.
interestingly, and sadly, this religion survived,....why????
If you look at Luke chapter 21, and Matthew 24, you'll see that Jesus was simply predicting the Roman armies coming to destroy the Jewish Temple, and that this was His "parasouia" (presence), coming in judgment against the Jews who rejected Him as Messiah.
This actually was fulfilled within a generation, 37 years later.
Not one prophecy in the Bible came true as foretold. Let's look at everything Jesus said about Roman armies ....
..... And that's it. Nothing. He said nothing about them.
i worked a different shift.
i knew the people i worked with, but not as well as i could have.. anyway, religion comes up.
one guy mentions in front of another that i wrote a book about my religious experience.
i worked a different shift.
i knew the people i worked with, but not as well as i could have.. anyway, religion comes up.
one guy mentions in front of another that i wrote a book about my religious experience.
As I said earlier today in a different discussion, Christians aren't well known for knowing well the Bible.
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.
Frightened off is the wrong word but made cautious by the perceived bitterness of some members yes.
You came here preaching your version of the truth like so many others and it just happened to be the exact teachings of another cult and you just happened to pick a user name associated with that cult.
What you perceive as bitterness is everyone being tired of the same of retread of people coming to to recruit for yet another wacky religion (exactly what you are recruiting for despite your protestations) and claiming have it all right.
- Good morality
- Clean speech
- Simple life promoted
- Clean living
They neither have nor promote any of those things.
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
Then, instead of responding, "Well, I can see how that came across. It wasn't my intention." You respond with, "I'll not be responding to...you from here on out...."
Taking his ball and going home because everyone didn't agree with him and his illogical position was challenged. It's the Christian way.