You are no Morpheus.
You don't get to call me sugartits like FMF, so who really is the winner?
Also, a summary can't be longer than the think it summarizes.
if you actually turn your brain on and process what is being said, this article keeps contradicting itself.
"jehovah god created humans with free will, that is, the liberty to choose between one option and another.neither a branch office nor the local congregation elders are authorized to make health-care decisions for a witness.
a christian needs to remember the biblical command to keep abstaining from .
You are no Morpheus.
You don't get to call me sugartits like FMF, so who really is the winner?
Also, a summary can't be longer than the think it summarizes.
if you actually turn your brain on and process what is being said, this article keeps contradicting itself.
"jehovah god created humans with free will, that is, the liberty to choose between one option and another.neither a branch office nor the local congregation elders are authorized to make health-care decisions for a witness.
a christian needs to remember the biblical command to keep abstaining from .
So a summary of what the article actually says.
By definition, a summary can't be longer than the thing it's summarizing.
i asked this question of a jw that called on me yesterday: "if the universe requires a creator, why doesn't god?
if the universe must have a beginning, why doesn't god?
he claims to have an answer, but it must wait for next time he calls.. i'm hoping you guys can give me a heads-up as to what he will say.
I have a circular thought re universe expansion....if it is expanding..what is it expanding in?
Why does it have to be expanding into anything?
i asked this question of a jw that called on me yesterday: "if the universe requires a creator, why doesn't god?
if the universe must have a beginning, why doesn't god?
he claims to have an answer, but it must wait for next time he calls.. i'm hoping you guys can give me a heads-up as to what he will say.
I had a very similar conversation with a JW a few months ago. They said everything needed a creator and that creator was God. I said "So *everything* doesn't need a creator, you just said God didn't. Without any evidence, why couldn't I just as easily say that the universe was the thing that didn't need a creator instead of God?"
They said again that everything needs a creator and my response was "Well, no it doesn't. You personally just told me that literally everything needs a creator and then told me that wasn't true. If your god doesn't need one, then you can't claim everything does, and if it's possible to exist without needing a creator, then why can't that thing be the universe? Why is it your god? What evidence do you have that your god exists without having been created? And before you go to the Bible, I can show you 20 other religions that aren't Christian that claim the same about their god, why should I believe your religious claim over theirs? You've no more evidence than them."
They too promised to come back the next week and never did. I ran into them about a month later at a grocer and asked why they hadn't come back. They said they were looking into it.
(cnn)a counseling session on the spiritual state of two brothers turned physical at word of life christian church in new hartford, new york, resulting in the death of a young man and serious injuries to his brother, new hartford police chief michael inserra said wednesday.. .
their parents, bruce t. leonard, 65, and deborah r. leonard, 59, each face one count of first-degree manslaughter, a class b felony.
when somebody posted this on fb, i was anxious to see how ridiculous it would be, probably worse then the gb prophecies, etc.
after watching the clip, i honestly don't know what to believe.
at the very least it's very entertaining and interesting.
I like it when you struggle darling
I often let men pretend they're winning. It's a small thing that means a lot to them and nothing to me. Much like other things they think are more important than they are.
when somebody posted this on fb, i was anxious to see how ridiculous it would be, probably worse then the gb prophecies, etc.
after watching the clip, i honestly don't know what to believe.
at the very least it's very entertaining and interesting.
And, thinking about it more, let's look at single charts. The top three singles for Van Halen, had a combined score of 26. Van Hagar? 30.
Sales by album? Let's keep it to four albums since Sammy tuckered out after four and Diamond Dave almost doubled that.
Let's start with Van Halen:
Van Halen - 17M
1984 - 17M
Van Halen II - 8M
Women and Children First - 6M
Total of 48M.
Van Hagar?
27M total.
Oh look, I'm now up to 8 reasons. Just like Sammy desperately trying to keep up with Diamond Dave, you're falling behind.
Van Halen wins.
when somebody posted this on fb, i was anxious to see how ridiculous it would be, probably worse then the gb prophecies, etc.
after watching the clip, i honestly don't know what to believe.
at the very least it's very entertaining and interesting.
i litterally gave you four.
You gave me a stat that shows Van Hagar had more watered down radio friendly songs, that doesn't translate in "better" at all, unless you're suggesting that Van Hagar has the same quality as Ace of Base, lots of radio play.
And, in fact, Best of Volume 1, feature more Dave than Sammy, hit #1 also.
But, since that's the only thing you got, let's play pretend and go with it. You gave four reasons. I gave you six.
Dave still wins, even if you had given me four reasons Sammy was better and not watered down banality.
when somebody posted this on fb, i was anxious to see how ridiculous it would be, probably worse then the gb prophecies, etc.
after watching the clip, i honestly don't know what to believe.
at the very least it's very entertaining and interesting.
I like Hagar and Roth equally.
If anyone has a problem with that, go f**k yourself.
Why do you imagine anyone would care what you like?
when somebody posted this on fb, i was anxious to see how ridiculous it would be, probably worse then the gb prophecies, etc.
after watching the clip, i honestly don't know what to believe.
at the very least it's very entertaining and interesting.
The highest a halen album ever reached with dimond dave was #2 on the charts. all four with sammy hit number 1.
Too bad the listeners didn't or care enough to buy them. David wins. Also the top charts, especially back in the day, was a measure of radio play primarily. Watered down Van Hagar certainly had more radio friendly songs, a sign, not of being better, but of watered down sugar syrup fit for the most droll, regulated and bland media, but by no means an indicator of "better", at best more generic.
Don't hurt your toe when the mic you dropped lands on it.