Ever wonder why Sweden has the highest number of rapes per captia in the Western world and second highest amount of rapes in the entire world right after South Africa and Lesotho? Think it has anything to do with immigration from third world countries? Na, that can't be. Must be the fault of the native citizens.
Well, let's look at your own source and see what it has to say....
In 2012, Sweden had 66 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 population, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå).[234] This was unequivocally the biggest number reported to the UNODC in 2012.[235] However, widely differing legal systems, offence definitions, terminological variations, recording practices and statistical conventions makes any cross-national comparison on rape statistics difficult,[236][237][238][239] which is why the UNODC itself caution against using their figures.[235] It should also be noted that many countries do not report any rape statistics at all to the UNODC,[240] and some report very low numbers, despite studies that indicate otherwise.[241][242]
The Swedish police record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[236][239][243] Sweden also has a comparatively wide definition of rape.[236][237][238] This means that more sexual crimes are registered as rape than in most other countries.[237] For example, in 2005 Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider,[236][244][245][246] which led to a marked increase in reports.[247][248] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to decrease the number of unreported cases.[236][248][249][250] For this reason, large-scale victimisation surveys have been presented by criminologists as a more reliable indicator of rape prevalence.[236][237][238] An EU-wide survey on sexual violence against women, published theEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 2014, showed Sweden was only third highest, below Denmark and Finland[251] and a previous assessment by Brå have placed Sweden at an average level among European nations.[237]
In other words.... did you even read the thing you posted to understand it? Seriously, this is like, the 5th time in two days I've seen someone use documentation to "support" their position that completely undermines it. It's you aren't trying to understand the situation, but desperately looking for anything to support your position.