That is not how this unfolded. You disagreed with Eden's "belief" that you had "insisted". In your initial reaction to Eden you asked him to explain in detail. But, you did not leave it there, you attacked "the believer" questioning whether anyone should trust another word he says, that every word was suspect as he had "already lied". You did that before he answered your request with a detailed explanation. You can disagree with his explanation, but don't reconstruct the order of events.
Eden did lie. I never insisted. Any claim to the contrary is a lie. How much more simple can it be?
Why, prior to Eden going on a protracted defense did you call into question his integrity? This has been done to you several times, it is wrong. I find it entirely illustrative of the OP, of attacking the believer instead of the belief.
Why would I call into question the integrity of someone that is actively lying? Because they are actively lying.
The question is whether it is a lie. It is vernacular usage despite your insistence "it isn't". Further, the question is whether it is justified to immediately launch into an attack on a "liar" and the entire integrity of a poster based upon this expression.
Eden claimed I was "insisting" on something when I in reality said "Examples of urbanity would include..". Previously, to another post, I had written "Do you have specific examples?". Nowhere did I ever "insist" on anything. I didn't do anything that a synonym for insist.
What I did was ask questions, namely that if someone was willing to lie, why should they be trusted? Why shouldn't we call into question that persons character. I said if you do that, THEN we would have to call his character into question. I never said "You have no character, you're a liar, you're untrustworthy".
Your example of "dinner's ready" to illustrate my lazy thinking is an irrelevant counter. It neither repeats the request indirectly nor uses shame as a form of press. My two examples did.
It illustrates what happened, not what is claimed to have happened.
I concede that using insist this way is, at worse, imprecise. It is not a lie. Your post pressed Eden to answer at risk of being labeled discourteous.
The exact quote: Agreed. Urbanity would include thing like, oh, say, if you make accusations, being able to prove it. It's just common courtesy.
Not only did I not "insist", I didn't even make a request of any type. If Eden felt pressured, it was pressure of his own making by deciding on making claims without backing them up. I didn't make him do that nor ask him for proof.