Yes, you wrote a lot. You explained nothing. You committed a lot of fallacies and are just acting petty now that you've been called out on your fallacies, condescending attitude and failed superiority act. Pee Wee Herman did you third grade insults first and better than you. Re-runs are for TV, go there if you feel the need to imitate your betters.
JoinedPosts by Viviane
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Who Made The Code?
by Perry ina few weeks ago, discoveries were made that show that there is another dna code language that rides on top of the already incredibly complex 4-letter code previously discovered.
this newly discovered code apparently regulates how genes work.
as i noted in a previous thread, the amount of data storage available in the dna storage system just the size of a pin-head would filll a stack of books stacked from your driveway to the moon .... 500 times!
This was already answered. DNA and life arise from chemistry, chemistry comes from physics.
If you don't get it, take some classes.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Adamah, the analogy is broken. In case you don't understand why, I'll link you to the weak analogy logical fallacy.
There IS no point to miss of the analogy since it's weak and broken and uses an unknown ungraspable unknown as it's premise.
Also, I never said dogs talking had anything to do with the price of tea in China, strawman fallacy on your part. It's not my analogy, so there is no burden on me to make a better analogy, burden of proof logical fallacy on your part. SNR did not miss the point, he simpky pointed out the error of the analogy, so fallicy of logical fallicy on your part.
Finally, the analogy is an appeal to ignorance and broken on every level. It's amazing you are defending it, but then, you did commit four logical fallacies in one post, so maybe you didn't grasp that his point is not just there could be unknowns, but that there could be unknown ungraspable unknowns and the analogy relies on accepting that and making decisions based on unknown ungraspable unknowns. Ungraspable is the key there.
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Well, aside from calling Cofty a dog, the correct answer is "invalid question". Dogs can't communicate like that. Plus, the dogs lived, so it's not a well formed analogy to match the death 250K people.
In reality it would go like this.
Dog 1: Who's your owner?
Dog 2: Michael Vick.
Dog 2 is dead, no reason given.
Christ the redeemer
by zound inare christians offended by this statue?
is it the sin of idolatry?.
you shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth..
Apparently Jesus hates it.
Lightning struck Rio's Jesus Christ statue and broke off his fingers
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Flamegrilled, in regard to your postion regarding Z, the question already allows that a god exists, it's simply up to you to show that his actions and inactions square with the statement that he is love.
You seek to counter Cofty's statement, but so far you've just offered "we might not know that we don't know something that we can't grasp", a concept that's been shown to have zero possible outcome in thoughts or decision making.
Of course the traits of the God of Bible are relevant. His omnipotenence, omniscience and love are what is under discussion.
Who Made The Code?
by Perry ina few weeks ago, discoveries were made that show that there is another dna code language that rides on top of the already incredibly complex 4-letter code previously discovered.
this newly discovered code apparently regulates how genes work.
as i noted in a previous thread, the amount of data storage available in the dna storage system just the size of a pin-head would filll a stack of books stacked from your driveway to the moon .... 500 times!
The new information and code came from evolution, which is driven by chemistry and physics. I thought kids learned this stuff in grade schook these days?
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
What is Z in your argument, flamegrilled?
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty inyesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Reading comprehension not your forte? Cofty just repeated his assertion again:
Personal attack fallacy on your part.
Reading comprehension not your forte? Cofty just repeated his assertion again:
Natural evil is a fatal blow to christian theism unless theists can explain how drowning a quarter of a million people is an act of perfect love.
Exactly, he said there IS a death blow, not that he single handedly dealt a death blow. Straw man fallacy on your part.
It's pretty easy to defeat theism when you're the one who gets to play the role of judge, deciding which arguments you'll allow, etc, which can be dismissed out of hand as absurd, etc, since Cofty ultimately decides which are logical and hence admissable, as if he is the atheist World's version of the Holy See.
Strawman fallacy, loaded language and personal attack and middle ground fallacy on your part.
Cofty was likely an arrogant and dogmatic know-it-all elder who got satisfaction from exercising power over 'sheep', and the dogmatic attitude ("my way or the highway") has persisted even after he lost his belief in God.
Personal attack and composition fallacy on your part.
If you thought that pretending you were the fallacy police and could hush people up by listing (sometimes erroneously) logical fallacies would protect you from having the multiple logical fallacie you commit from being pointed out, you were wrong.
Acting condescending and like you are smarter than everyone else here probably won't work out for you. There are plenty of people here at least as smart as you that can debate just as well.
Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools?
by nicolaou inthis is taken from the bbc's sunday morning show 'the big questions'.
i was going to pick out a few highlights but really, you need to watch the whole thing - it's only 23 minutes.
seriously, i could feel the bile and frustration rising in my gullet .
Creationism is commonly used in the sense of God, Adam and Eve, 6 days, etc.
That is as false as a flat earth. If you mean creationism of some other sort, could you explain it in detail?