A heritage turkey, preferrably a Kentucky Bourbon Red. Not heirloom, heritage.
JoinedPosts by Viviane
What do you want for Christmas?
by Hortensia init's ok to share your xmas wishes here -- none of us is going to buy you anything, anyway!.
i have a list of books on my wishlist at amazon, some about critical thinking, some about knitting, some about yurok indian basketry.
i wouldn't mind getting any of those.
Are you an "out of the closet" atheist?
by rebel8 ini'm atheist and not ashamed of it.
however, it is so politically incorrect, especially where i live.
i have a legitimate concern that being out of the closet too much will hurt my career or neighborly relations--i know for a fact it probably would.. i'm really cautious about who i tell.. how about you?
Absolutely. I don't go around talking about it, but I do live in a very religious part of America. Whenever anyone brings up spirituality and religion, I politely decline the conversation twice. If they persist a third time I engage with them and explain, politely, why I don't believe in invisible, undetectable creature made of unexplainable stuff or place my face in 2000 year old goat herder stories.
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
The AAWA people are still nutjobs and kooky birds, so there's that.
Funeral for an atheist
by Stealth in99% of all funerals that i have attended have been the wt version, where they preach about the resurrection into paradise and say little about the person who passed other than they were loyal to jah.
the other 1% catholic for grandparents.. now that i consider myself an atheist, i got to wondering what do atheists plan for when they die?.
if you are a non-believer what are your plans for when you die?
if possible donate my bones to the Church of the bones like here in Brno.
Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
That is pretty cool. I suddenly have a new plan....
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
Maybe I am just lazy, but the most I ever bother with JW stuff (other than posting here) is to deal with my JW ex and when they came around my door two days ago. This type of activism seems to be the work of the obsessed and desperate.
I actually got a JW to admit say evolution was true and the other one to say that maybe God didn't always exist. Maybe I'll post a thread about it. It was quite an interesting conversation.
Funeral for an atheist
by Stealth in99% of all funerals that i have attended have been the wt version, where they preach about the resurrection into paradise and say little about the person who passed other than they were loyal to jah.
the other 1% catholic for grandparents.. now that i consider myself an atheist, i got to wondering what do atheists plan for when they die?.
if you are a non-believer what are your plans for when you die?
Thanks! Once I'm dead, my body is no more me than an empty house is the lives it contained. I'd rather anyone who chooses to remember me do it with a party and tell silly stories than mourn.
My Letter to Brooklyn about the Parousia that got me disfellowshipped
by cofty inthis is the letter i wrote back in '96 about the parousia.
following the '95 watchtower that disconnected the "generation" from 1914 i began to look carefully at end-time prophecy and soon discovered what i knew were basic errors in what i had been taught.. i was a loyal jw at the time and was still serving as an elder.
i used only watchtower publications in my research.
Rather than DF you, the smart move would have been to invite you to be part of the writing and research committee.
Funeral for an atheist
by Stealth in99% of all funerals that i have attended have been the wt version, where they preach about the resurrection into paradise and say little about the person who passed other than they were loyal to jah.
the other 1% catholic for grandparents.. now that i consider myself an atheist, i got to wondering what do atheists plan for when they die?.
if you are a non-believer what are your plans for when you die?
Sell my body and use the money to throw a party.
Or toss it in a river and use the saved money to throw a party.
Or offer it up to a necrophiliac for cash and use the money to throw a party.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Psycopaths?
by stuckinarut2 ini have been thinking that jws display an organizationally officially promoted form of thinking that makes them psycopaths!.
what i mean is, any person who enjoyed reading and leaning about past gruesome deaths, or who justified such things as being normal or acceptable would be deemed to be dangerous to society...a psychopath.
(by this i am refferring to the content of the bible of course).
(Rebel8 - love your posts - but I cannot agree that JW's can be cured. [That was also the fantasy of The Governor and Hershel in Walking Dead])
There are plenty of well adjusted ex-JWs here.
DINOSAURS - What do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe?
by Bloody Hotdogs! inas part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
Here is a video about dinosaurs existing with men.
And it shows the 800 year old Budist temple in Cambodia with a stegasauris carved in stone.
It shows a carving of unknown age and origin that you are interpreting to be a stegosaurus.