The phrase "the Black" reminds me of what the American politician Rick Santorum said when he used that exact phrase. Patronizing. You could have said something else like "Black people".
Agreed. Abiather is taking a rather niggardly view of humanity.
the best argument that we have an immaterial part (called spirit/soul) came from jesus christ.
however, it is recorded in the gospel of thomas (not in the traditional four gospels).
jesus says: if the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel.
The phrase "the Black" reminds me of what the American politician Rick Santorum said when he used that exact phrase. Patronizing. You could have said something else like "Black people".
Agreed. Abiather is taking a rather niggardly view of humanity.
the best argument that we have an immaterial part (called spirit/soul) came from jesus christ.
however, it is recorded in the gospel of thomas (not in the traditional four gospels).
jesus says: if the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel.
If evolution is true, it should be EQUALLY true everywhere--why only be restricted to body?
Why should be equally true everywhere?
Mind is not evolving, rather it is going downward! Our deep-rooted prejudices remain as they were--anything we term as progress is only an eye-wash, just cosmetic toch.
By every measurable statistic, humanity is better. Less racism, less slavery, less war, less disease.
Why is is that religious people pushing woo always have try to claim everything is crap and getting worse?
with the bulletin of atomic scientists moving its iconic doomsday clock up 2 minutes on 23.01.2015 (which means we are just three minutes closer to midnight in comparison to 17 minutes to midnight in 1991), and predicting the end of the world as early as 2017, subject of last days is getting heated up again..
next time you have a witness boasts about the uniqueness of biblical propheciesespecially about last days, you can point the following photographic description of our times found in srimad bhagavatam, one of the ancient scriptures written even before the bible:.
1) religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of kali (age of unrigteousness).12.2.1.
But in Bagavatam it is all about repeated elevation and entropy (hence it is not about prediction). It says history repeats itself identically in every Kalpa (cycle of a few thousand years):
Well, we already know that to be false. If the central premise is false, why should anyone bother to give any credence to the rest?
with the bulletin of atomic scientists moving its iconic doomsday clock up 2 minutes on 23.01.2015 (which means we are just three minutes closer to midnight in comparison to 17 minutes to midnight in 1991), and predicting the end of the world as early as 2017, subject of last days is getting heated up again..
next time you have a witness boasts about the uniqueness of biblical propheciesespecially about last days, you can point the following photographic description of our times found in srimad bhagavatam, one of the ancient scriptures written even before the bible:.
1) religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of kali (age of unrigteousness).12.2.1.
That was a reply to cofty's claim that "we live in the most peaceful time in all of human history," hence this prophecy is no-sense.
But Cofty didn't say that. He said that, by every measure, we live in the MOST peaceful time.
Also, how is it a prophecy to predict that something would happen that had happened many times before and was still happening while he was alive? What special knowledge or foresight does that require?
the best argument that we have an immaterial part (called spirit/soul) came from jesus christ.
however, it is recorded in the gospel of thomas (not in the traditional four gospels).
jesus says: if the flesh came into existence because of the spirit, it is a marvel.
Interestingly, what Jesus described as “the marvel of marvels” is what is being taught today: ‘Spirit (or consciousness) with all its ingenuity, logic, power of reason evolved from flesh, or is “an emergent property of the brain (or flesh)”!!!
In this case you are simply using spirit as a metaphor for "consciousness". That's not supported by the Bible and how it talks about spirit.
with the bulletin of atomic scientists moving its iconic doomsday clock up 2 minutes on 23.01.2015 (which means we are just three minutes closer to midnight in comparison to 17 minutes to midnight in 1991), and predicting the end of the world as early as 2017, subject of last days is getting heated up again..
next time you have a witness boasts about the uniqueness of biblical propheciesespecially about last days, you can point the following photographic description of our times found in srimad bhagavatam, one of the ancient scriptures written even before the bible:.
1) religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day because of the powerful influence of the age of kali (age of unrigteousness).12.2.1.
1) Ask the President of the sole Super Power--in how much fear he lives, or any world ruler for that matter?
2) Bopal Industrial Gas leak tragedy killed thousands of people—families of victims got a favorable verdict from the court only after 25 years (for compensation)!
Neither of those things was predicted. What is your point?
i'll add many things in the bible i don't agree with, but the bible is a collection of books.
now to make sure i'm reading as closely to what is written in genesis, i look at this hebrew interlinear, because english translating and rearranging of words can change it.
in 1986, workman near the chinese city of chengdu (in sichuan province) dug up some 200 relics of an unknown civilisation:.
the bronze castings showed a high level of technical skill, but interestingly there was also this:.
elephants in china, and important to the elite that ordered the fabrication of the masks, some obviously large enough to be fitted to an elephant's head?
to 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
Viviane: please stop with the insults / non-constructive comments and stick to the topic.
I've not insulted anyone, nor strayed from topic unless directly address by an OT comment, Simon.
I can understand how, even though factual, using the word "ignorant" to describe a lack of knowledge can feel insulting. I apologize if that bothered you JD. In the future, should anyone decide to make OT comments about my personal life, education, financial situation, etc., I will not use the word "ignorant" to describe those comments. I'll simply point out politely that it is irrelevant, personal and a subject they don't have any details on and to please refrain from commenting on.
to 27 b.c.e.. in the years of roman republic, no man was called a god (or even a king).
however, 200 years of peace under a ruler imperator, (emperor) gradually relaxed the fears of romans of having a dictator.
surely the gods had bestowed unusual approval!
Viv I don't know if you realize you're doing it, but you are a destructive, negative presence here. I have no problem with people with different opinions and beliefs. But I do have a problem with any who attempt to force that opinion or belief on me
No one has tried to force any belief on you.
In both of the threads in which you have responded to me, you positioned so called facts. Some of which I'd concede can be argued, such as el and Yahweh. But you were proven wrong on other subjects and it didn't even register to you, you ignored it and continued to harrass me and instigate an argument rather than have a civil discussion.
Regardless of you thinking I was wrong, this is a discussion forum. If you can't handle civil debate without getting personal, you're free to not post to me ever again. In fact, you promised to not respond to me several time yet, here you are claiming harassment. Hardly.
I spent about 5 minutes reviewing your treatment of others besides myself, and found you're behavior is a pattern. You're a destructive force here that always seems to end up in an argument because of how you address others. I have flagged all the posts in which you were being instigative and harassing for the sake of it, rather than for any real discussion.
So quit posting to me, then. No one is forcing you to.
I do apologize however, for the few snide remarks I did make toward you. No matter how you addressed me, I should have remained completely civil. Having said that, I sincerely hope your behavior is reviewed by an admin. I also invite any who read this to review both this thread entirely and this before passing judgment:
Apology accepted. No one ever insulted you, stop trying to have a pity party for yourself. Feel 100% free to stop following me around and complaining to mother and never speak to me again.