The best argument that we have an immaterial part (called Spirit/Soul) came from Jesus Christ

by abiather 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abiather

    The best argument that we have an immaterial part (called Spirit/Soul) came from Jesus Christ. However, it is recorded in the Gospel of Thomas (not in the Traditional four Gospels). Jesus says: ‘If the flesh came into existence because of the Spirit, it is a marvel. But if the spirit arose from the flesh, it is a marvel of marvels.’ (Gospel of Thomas Saying 29)

    In other words, what he means is that:

    ‘If the boat came into existence because of the boat-man, it is understandable.

    But if the boat-man emerged from the boat, it defies all the known logic!’


    Interestingly, what Jesus described as “the marvel of marvels” is what is being taught today: ‘Spirit (or consciousness) with all its ingenuity, logic, power of reason evolved from flesh, or is “an emergent property of the brain (or flesh)”!!!

     This shows, in this world, and in this part of the history, anything can be taught / claimed—reason is called unreason, and unreason is called reason. To mention a few:

    1)      If the “scientific” Evolution Theory is true, we should have had, by now, an elevated view about ourselves. But we are yet to have even a realistic view of ourselves. How many of us treat the Black as equal to the rest of the humanity?

    2)      Why does it take millenniums to admit that women should have equal representation (50:50) in all bodies—political and corporate?

    3)      On one side, we have virtually all Industries using woman’s nudity to market their products, and increasing number of crime being committed against women on other side (even children—sometimes one-year old—are being raped and KILLED! A life-generating process as sex is turned into a DEATH-dealing act, mostly because of the emphasis the industries put on woman’s nudity!

    REASON raises such doubts, yet they are all viewed part of life—most people are concerned only about treating the symptoms, not the root cause (which is in no way connected with REASON).

  • cofty

    The fact that an ancient book of mythology refers to a spirit proves nothing except how superstitious people were in ancient times. Sadly many people today are no less gullible.

    It is science and reason that led us to the enlightenment and a respect for individual human rights. It is religion that treats women as second-class and teaches them to be in subjection. I tis religion that promoted the evil concept of original sin that has led generations of parents to treat naughty children as if they were inherently wicked.

  • galaxie

    Jesus was a bit unsure? He uses' if ' twice in the  ' Thomas ' quote 

    I wonder if he had second thoughts!? ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz oops sorry fell asleep .

  • Rattigan350

    Is that the best that can be done?   A quote from a non-canon book?


  • LoveUniHateExams

    an immaterial part that unfortunately can't be observed, measured or recorded.

    How convenient  

  • LoveUniHateExams

    If the “scientific” Evolution Theory is true - maybe the word 'true' should be abandoned - 'correct' is better. Why have you put the word scientific in inverted commas? - evolution has lots of evidence, can be scientifically investigated, etc.

    How many of us treat the Black as equal to the rest of the humanity? I do. Black people have the same rights and responsibilities as white people  

    On one side, we have virtually all Industries using woman’s nudity to market their products - what's so bad about this? Some women have attractive faces and bodies - so what?

  • Finkelstein
    abiather's vain and stupid attempt to create logic out of ignorant mythological fictional story telling.

    The ancients were quite ignorant of the world in which they lived in, hence the imagined ideology of spiritualism grew from out that ignorance, which also appeared out of necessity to give answers to the many unknowns..

    Thankfully over time humanity has discovered a vast amount of information based on practical evidence of the same world in which those ancients once lived in, as well of mankind's own psychological make up concerning basic human rights.
    Religion has had along history and profound influence in demeaning woman and children as second class unprivileged lesser people. Take a look what goes on in every Kingdom Hall of JWS for example .  

  • Phizzy

    The Evolution of the Mind, which is what you are talking about with racism and misogyny etc, is a little different to evolution by natural selection that produces the flora and fauna we see today.

    Accepting Human Rights, for example, has taken a seemingly unconscionable long time, and we are still waiting for a good chunk of the World to catch up in this area, but it will come.

    With the mind it takes someone to be the first to "think outside of the box" for forward progress to be made, and then a huge battle commences with the forces of conservatism, and those who will lose power and control.

    But, it happens, Wilberforce and others said "Slavery is wrong", the Pankhurst ladies and others said "Women should have the vote", Rosa Parks and others showed racism to be simply wrong.

    Once those ideas are spoken, the bell cannot be unrung, but it takes time for Right to prevail.

    In time, the Human Race will adopt Rights for all, in time Religion will disappear, in time a more compassionate world will appear, but the battles to achieve good in the World are long and hard.

  • Viviane
    Interestingly, what Jesus described as “the marvel of marvels” is what is being taught today: ‘Spirit (or consciousness) with all its ingenuity, logic, power of reason evolved from flesh, or is “an emergent property of the brain (or flesh)”!!!

    In this case you are simply using spirit as a metaphor for "consciousness". That's not supported by the Bible and how it talks about spirit.

  • abiather


    You are wonderful, great. What I had in my mind you discerned perfectly.

    If evolution is true, it should be EQUALLY true everywhere--why only be restricted to body?

    Mind is not evolving, rather it is going downward! Our deep-rooted prejudices remain as they were--anything we term as progress is only an eye-wash, just cosmetic toch.

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