The Italians believe the MMR shots do cause autism and so do others.The Italians don't give out this shot any longer I believe,
Actually, Italy has a very nice vaccination schedule which still includes the MMR at 12-14 months,
Every study ever done shows zero link between vaccination and autism.
There maybe a connection between giving children three vaccinations all at once and some of the health problems kids experience later in life.
There is no evidence for any link. There is evidence for diseases ravaging populations without vaccinations, however.
There is also natural ways to vaccinate against measles. Do your research.
Ironic advice, coming from the person who's opening belief could have been confirmed or disproven with a 30 second google search.
Anyway, there is no way to naturally vaccinate against measles. "Getting measles" and building up an immunity isn't vaccination. There is no way to protect against death and other symptoms a wide scale measles outbreak can cause.
Vaccination saves lives.