Question is not about the poetic word play. It's about the designer behind the earth which is much more than a home fitted with everything we need not just for our sustenance but for our enjoyment!
There is no evidence of a designer of the earth.
scientists discovered an organism that has not evolved in more than 2 billion years ( .
one can dismiss this as an exception*!
yet overwhelming proofs are too obvious to miss if we take the community as an individual (community is the reflection of the behavior pattern of the individuals that make up the whole).
Question is not about the poetic word play. It's about the designer behind the earth which is much more than a home fitted with everything we need not just for our sustenance but for our enjoyment!
There is no evidence of a designer of the earth.
scientists discovered an organism that has not evolved in more than 2 billion years ( .
one can dismiss this as an exception*!
yet overwhelming proofs are too obvious to miss if we take the community as an individual (community is the reflection of the behavior pattern of the individuals that make up the whole).
Flying machine without using the air-polluting fuel is not a matter to be laughed at.
I agree, we need science to develop one.
If we remove the alphabet “t” from the word PLANET, we have the word PLANE
If we remove the "e" we have plant! So what?
You and the entire humanity are aboard on this PLANE called earth, and it is flying at a speed of 30 km per second, i.e., 1,08,000 km per hour! [At this speed, the distance to the moon can be covered in just four hours]
Earth is not a plane. It's falling, actually, not flying. Everything you wrote is factually and demonstrably wrong.
scientists discovered an organism that has not evolved in more than 2 billion years ( .
one can dismiss this as an exception*!
yet overwhelming proofs are too obvious to miss if we take the community as an individual (community is the reflection of the behavior pattern of the individuals that make up the whole).
My point is that there never never evolution of beings
You started out well....but then derped the derpiest derp I've ever seen derped.
...i has always been a Good Start by God, then deterioration brought out by humans...
Sanskrit word Chumbak Mani (literally translated as the ‘jewel that attracts’) is equivalent to what the modern term SEMICONDUCTOR-MAGNET implie...
... is reported to have synthesized Chumbak Mani by calcining and melting 14 exotic ingredients including buffalo horn and mercury at 1,200° C!
You're demonstrating some interesting congnitive dissonance, both complaining about science, but using science to show how science is not that great.
scientists discovered an organism that has not evolved in more than 2 billion years ( .
one can dismiss this as an exception*!
yet overwhelming proofs are too obvious to miss if we take the community as an individual (community is the reflection of the behavior pattern of the individuals that make up the whole).
One can dismiss this as an exception*!
It actually helps to prove evolution is true.
an oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage has lost its appeal..... the judge has ordered 'sweet cakes by melissa' to pay $150 000 damages to rachel and laurel bowman-cryer.. discrimination is illegal, and religious superstition is not an excuse.
how long before jws land in court under similar circumstances?.
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an oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage has lost its appeal..... the judge has ordered 'sweet cakes by melissa' to pay $150 000 damages to rachel and laurel bowman-cryer.. discrimination is illegal, and religious superstition is not an excuse.
how long before jws land in court under similar circumstances?.
read more....
And yes, there was a recent court case where the KKK won a lawsuit against a bakery that wouldn't bake them a cake because it offended the owner's religious beliefs. Google it. That is a specious (that means the argument/statement sounds reasonable but is actually woo (yes, I stole Viviane’s word – deal with it) with a bow on it) argument.
First, that's not my word. You've taken what I rightfully stole;)
Secondly, wow, I had not realized the KKK won that lawsuit. On the one hand, that amazes me. On the other hand, it was won in Georgia, where non-discriminatory Jesus always loses to KKK Jesus, so I am not THAT surprised.
the innocent civilians being attacked is the norm of the day.
attacking hospitals too are happening frequently.
now schools being attacked is becoming a regular affair (last of its kind massacred 150 children in peshawar on december 16, 2014)..
Wording on alcohol is just a reproduction of what Traffic Police has put up on many High Ways!
So? Seat belt laws and car design have, over the years, dramatically lowered the death rate from driving. I just proved the world is getting better.
Also, since you included no sources with your numbers, I'm afraid they are dismissed and don't count. World is getting better, you just gave us proof!
an oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage has lost its appeal..... the judge has ordered 'sweet cakes by melissa' to pay $150 000 damages to rachel and laurel bowman-cryer.. discrimination is illegal, and religious superstition is not an excuse.
how long before jws land in court under similar circumstances?.
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Viviane being a democrat is a choice, do I get to refuse to bake cakes for them?
Yes. Political affiliation is not a protected class.
How about atheists?
No. Religion (and lack thereof) IS a protected class.
the innocent civilians being attacked is the norm of the day.
attacking hospitals too are happening frequently.
now schools being attacked is becoming a regular affair (last of its kind massacred 150 children in peshawar on december 16, 2014)..
Future events are guaranteed on the basis of the established pattern of the past.
Name one specific prophecy with a date, exactly what would happen and who would be involved that came true.
) Everyone knows a friendly neighbour is better security than costly war-preparedness, yet no one wants to try this, but continue with the past wasteful method.
I neither lock my house nor my car. You've been proven wrong (not that it will stop you from spreading ignorant woo, it never has).
2) It's everyone's experience that alcohol has no benefits except harm to the self and others, yet use of alcohol thrives!
That's not my experience either. Wrong again.
Why do you keep making stuff up? Are you a brilliant troll or just utterly committed to woo so reality holds no meaning for you?
an oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex marriage has lost its appeal..... the judge has ordered 'sweet cakes by melissa' to pay $150 000 damages to rachel and laurel bowman-cryer.. discrimination is illegal, and religious superstition is not an excuse.
how long before jws land in court under similar circumstances?.
read more....