God didn't allow the tsunami "in order to take advantage of it to steal souls for His own company"...anymore than He takes advantage of any death.
Slow down.
God either created the universe and rules which directly led to the tsunami or he didn't. If he did, it's his fault because he his all powerful and all knowing and knew it would happen. If he didn't and he is merely redeeming souls (whatever that means), he is simply an opportunistic soul thief. Either way, God is
God didn't allow the tsunami "in order to take advantage of it to steal souls for His own company"...anymore than He takes advantage of any death.
What does redeeming mean?
I'm the one who is finding and pointing out the moral high ground and you're not. You CAN'T find any moral high ground in the situation of a tsunami (as an atheist) because natural occurances don't happen with any thought to morality.
You've yet to explain how your god being responsible or redeeming i high ground. Claiming things is easy. You've done that. Demonstrating those claims is harder. That you've not done.