JoinedPosts by Viviane
Crazy stupid bible, found another problem concerning Jesus death story, and its funny too
by Crazyguy inmatthew 27:50-54new international version (niv).
50 and when jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.. 51 at that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
the earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open.
Good catch. I never noticed that either. Something to add to the list of "this don't make no sense". -
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Like with this pizza instance, there is a big difference between a gay person entering the restaurant and them refusing to make them pizza vs them asking them to drive to, attend, and cater their wedding.
No, there really isn't. The business provides a service. They do that as part of a social contract in the form of a permit, by accepting money, providing goods and services in exchange for that money and paying taxes and accepting the protections and services that the taxes EVERYONE pays for, roads, power service, water, police and fire, etc.
Why do you think the business should have the benefits of government services that people pay for so the business can make money and then turn away people that paid for the very things the business relies on to stay running?
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Disagree. The culture in which those kids are raised in reinforces/normalizes such thought and behavior in school and elsewhere. They're not going to be embarrassed by their parents unless perhaps they're living in a mostly liberal region.
But that's exactly the effect we have seen over the past several generations.
I doubt that homophobia will drop anymore than racism has in the red states
Racism has dropped dramatically. I hope to see homophobia do the same.
The Bible Gods Word or Mans
by azor ini remember studying this book years ago and how it impacted my belief system.
i no longer believe the bible is god's word.
however i do have a couple of lingering questions on this subject.
1- The Bible is not a scientific book but when it touches on science it is accurate. e.g. earth is hanging upon nothing,
No, the Bible is not at all in any way scientifically accurate. The Earth is orbiting the Sun because of gravity, not "nothing".
placed above the circle of the earth. Is this the first time in history this was mentioned?
The earth is not a circle. Wrong again!
The Bible for the first time introduces a singular monotheistic god that exists outside of time and space.
The Bible is incredibly polytheistic.
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Agree, we all want a better place where discrimination is based solely on merit. You just don't fight dogma with more dogma. Let the idiots ridicule themselves into oblivion. That's a better way to deal with religious zealots.
I have no idea what the fark you are talking about.
The best way to fight religious and other bigotry is with shameless mocking.
Don't feed their sense of persecution and therefore a divine purpose.
Feed the hell out of it. Kids are always embarrassed by their parents. When their parents are shamelessly mocked for being utterly stupid, the kids with figure it out. Homophobic bigotry will drop by magnitudes in a single generation.
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Why break the pattern now? You've been doing that very thing throughout this discussion at various times. You respond before you read. I made that very observation three days ago way back on page 3 of this discussion! You've been running in circles telling folks what they think and disregarding clear and unambiguous statements of the same folks declaring what they think. Your argument looks like this: I say so, so it must be true regardless of what you say you think.
Same as before, didn't bother with whatever dumb thing you just said.
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
I have no problem whatsoever reading "BS" keyboard by your hand to mean what I've just told you in expressly stated language is rejected by you as something other than what I'm thinking. You don't even address that response coming from you for what it says in terms of YOU telling me that YOU know what I'm thinking better than I know what I'm thinking.
It's all you deserve at this point. I honestly didn't even bother reading it.
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
edit feature is acting a little wonky, what I meant to say is "Huh? No one ever said a religion was not or not necessarily a legal entity. I said they weren't necessarily incorporated"
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
You told me my explicit answer of "No" was "BS," universally recognized as telling me I just lied, which is you telling me what I'm thinking is not what I said, which is you telling me what I think..
Exactly. You did say it was fine but for some weird reason are still denying and arguing that. I can't help it if you don't understand synonyms or bother to ask for clarification.
Me saying lack of law against gender discrimination means it's not illegal to discriminate based on gender is NOT me saying that legal discrimination based on gender is "fine" or "should be fine". It's me saying it's fine PURELY FROM A LEGAL perspective, not simply "fine".
Yep. Exactly. The problem is you assumed you knew what I meant by fine and OK and proceeded to argue from that false perspective rather than ask for clarification to help you out. Even now you're agreeing it's fine, which is exactly what I said.
Your problem is that you did exactly what you are attempting to accuse me of and someone want to claim your lack of asking for clarification is my problem.
Very weird.
Indiana "Religious Freedom" (right to discriminate)
by Simon insickening to see the photo of the religious zealots all stood around the governor signing into law the right for people to discriminate against others (gay, lesbian, trans-gender) based purely on religious dogma.. if religious people want those freedoms then the can't have it both ways - they cannot complain if *they* are discriminated against.. "sorry, we don't like zionists, get out".
"oh, it's some special mass and you can't work your shift?
you're fired!"..
Name a religion in this country that is not a legal entity.
Huh? No one ever said a religion was necessarily a legal entity. I said they weren't necessarily incorporated.
In any event, do you think it is OK to discriminate against of the the organizations I described?