Therefore mimicking the first century Christian by following Jesus example. Isn’t it always the way Viviane? But yes I do pity you, don’t worry.
Mimicking someone who thought slavery, rape and genocide? Yet you pity me?
Christians are weird. Please don't ever stand close to me, I don't want to get any of your pity on me.
Theology is not heighten by secular understanding of a textbook. True theology is not understood any better other than spiritual enlightenment. This is a personal journey and achievement. Confusing theology by comparing other propositions in different faiths, reverses the notion of true knowledge.
Yet millions of other theist would disagree with you. I wonder where you got the hubris and arrogance to speak for "true" theology and theologians.
Ex-Witnesses by far that never understood theology and all its element’s involved within make precisely that claim. Higher education has no substantive claim especially when it comes to Christian Theology. I.e. I don’t need my PhD to realize biblical truth. There will never be a comparison between secular knowledge of the bible to bible knowledge itself
Yes, we've known for quite a while that the dumber you are, the more devoted to your faith you are.
A true Christians understands bible principles by faith as you stated, such as 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 to not allow those that pretended to know the truth but never had it to be subjective verses to be objective to bible principles as Jesus did without being trained in secular knowledge but through Gods holy spirit.
True Christians? Again, you are arbiter of who is a "true" Christian and who isn't? Tell me, when did Jesus return to earth to bestow this honorific upon you as Judge and Arbiter of the Dumberest?