No true follower of Christ should be surprised or shocked at this.
When did Jesus authorize you to determine who was a true Christian?
i'm sorry if this has been posted previously, but i haven't noticed it.. this was posted on reddit.. has anyone seen this moneysuck video:.
No true follower of Christ should be surprised or shocked at this.
When did Jesus authorize you to determine who was a true Christian?
on another thread a poster made the comment that the golden rule was garbage.
she said it was arrogant and made assumptions.. i didn't want to derail that thread so i started another wondering if this is a common thought about this belief on this forum.
i guess i naively thought the value of doing to others as you want them to do to you was generally accepted as positive.. i understand people have different opinions of jesus as a person but i don't want to get into that here.
The fact that the Golden Rule has lasted for centuries is evidence that it's not pure garbage.
As OTWO said, the Golden Rule doesn't cover everything but it's a good place to start when considering others.
Actually, the reverse golden rule is used far more often. If you run around assuming everyone wants things like you, then you won't get very far. People often mistake societal customs and norms for the golden rule when in fact they aren't the same at all.
Used as written, the golden rule is a terrible place to start. It's "lasted" because Jesus and reasons and people calling their behavior the golden rule when in fact they are doing the exact opposite.
on another thread a poster made the comment that the golden rule was garbage.
she said it was arrogant and made assumptions.. i didn't want to derail that thread so i started another wondering if this is a common thought about this belief on this forum.
i guess i naively thought the value of doing to others as you want them to do to you was generally accepted as positive.. i understand people have different opinions of jesus as a person but i don't want to get into that here.
Well obviously not, Hitler should have obeyed the Golden Rule...the Golden Rule is the best benchmark of how to treat others in my opinion xx
The golden rule says to decide how to treat people based on your wishes, not their needs and wishes. It's disrespectful.
the mystery of the ages was revealed to the gentiles 2000 years ago.
the mystery is "christ in you, the hope of glory" (colossians 1:27).
the churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles.
The bible is a written testimony about Christ and i use that for those who ares tuck in the written word .It is the living word within that gives light and life.Christ in you is the divine nature that is in all
What, specifically, is divine nature? How can we detect it? What evidence is there for this? How is it different from regular nature?
what is god's kingdom?
some say it is in your heart.
some say it is heaven.
Again, you are way ahead of yourself. The bible does say people talked directly to god, pretending it doesn't is dishonest.
Also, you've completely avoided giving us any information we could use to determine what god is made of, what spirit is, how we can detect it, etc.
does this mean possible a creator did or does exist.
there is plenty of evidence of a slow evolutionary changes over millions of years and i do not disagree with this.
but again that fact that mankind can not create a living creature from scratch mean there must be a creator?
the mystery of the ages was revealed to the gentiles 2000 years ago.
the mystery is "christ in you, the hope of glory" (colossians 1:27).
the churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles.
The churches do not and never will teach this even though it was revealed to the gentiles. Christ himself said he will come and his father make their abode IN you. You are the temple of the living God
Fantastic. Another person who has figured it all out, all we need to do is trust them and ignore the other 10 people today that have it all figured out as long as we trust them. Of course, they all agree the others are wrong, but so what?
i reworded a variation of a common critique of atheists to my own liking.
no, i do not hate atheists, i love them!
they keep me from getting bored.
Just because we do not see the processes used, the domain even, the EXISTENCE itself gives credence to work involved, by a worker, endowed with energy.
No, it doesn't. Not at all.
what is god's kingdom?
some say it is in your heart.
some say it is heaven.
Those who criticize are usually too busy to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. When was the last time you explained God's Kingdom to someone using scriptures to back up your belief? God's Kingdom is one of the main themes of the Bible.
You're way ahead of yourself.
What is God made of? Spirit? What is that? Where do I find it and how can I detect it?
Once we figure that out, we can discuss whether or not a god is made of that stuff.
what is god's kingdom?
some say it is in your heart.
some say it is heaven.
No one has ever seen God so no artists rendering of His facial features is ever made.
Moses saw god unless you don't believe the bible.
The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.