JoinedPosts by Viviane
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?
by cappytan ina year to a year and a half ago, i would have taken this article at face value and believed it.. now, i realize this article comes from a dubious source.
world news daily has a die-hard right-wing bias.
so, in an effort to get real information, i'm asking my european exjw's, is this article all true?
Viviane, you ought to contact the Sweedish government with this insight and tell them they are collecting numbers which are useless for any comparison. It would save those poor sweedes and awful lot of tax kronar!
Sweden part of the EU. An agency of the EU conducted these studies. They are the ones that collected the numbers and the people I quoted saying to be wary. I bet they know that, unless they collect data, they can't figure out where the holes in the data are, figure out how to get better data and figure out how to make it useful.
Of course, had you bothered to read the links instead of flail about trying to have a "gotcha" moment with me, you would see they already do know all that and you might have learned something. Alas, not to be yet again. Hope for the future, though!
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Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?
by cappytan ina year to a year and a half ago, i would have taken this article at face value and believed it.. now, i realize this article comes from a dubious source.
world news daily has a die-hard right-wing bias.
so, in an effort to get real information, i'm asking my european exjw's, is this article all true?
It is true correlation does not imply causation but it's usually indicative of it. One could for instance compare Sweeden with Norway (roughly similar but with far less immigrants) and that might allow stronger conclusions to be drawn.
Well, in this case, there are so many reasons that the numbers are off (as per the people that collected the numbers), that any comparison would be meaningless.
Also this...
Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?
by cappytan ina year to a year and a half ago, i would have taken this article at face value and believed it.. now, i realize this article comes from a dubious source.
world news daily has a die-hard right-wing bias.
so, in an effort to get real information, i'm asking my european exjw's, is this article all true?
Well I hope you are referring to someone else because I back up everything with verifiable facts.
No, I'm referring directly to you, hence my quoting you and looking up and quoting your source. You used a source to "prove" that Sweden is experience an outbreak of rape due to immigrants. Your source directly contradicted your point. You're using sources without reading or understanding them.
The point I am making is that there is a direct correlation to the rampant increases in crime, rapes and anti-Semitism across Europe and immigration from third world nations.
Well, your sources don't support that, unfortunately, so you aren't so much "making a point" as "saying things".
I read that whole wikiarticle and found that everything after the verified rape stats was conjecture, obviously written by apologists for rapists. Nice people, I'm sure. No seriously, I find it absolutely repulsive that you are trying to discredit rape statistics. Disgusting. You'd make a great lawyer for a child rapist and sleep soundly at night.
So, you actually read your own source and, now that you realize it contradicts you, it's crap and you resort to insulting? That's some real fine detective work there, Lou.
In reality, the people that made the report cautioned that there are several problems with the numbers. That's a fact. Acting like a two year old when you find out only makes YOU look childish instead of an adult capable of dealing with reality.
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Headline: "Islamic Invasion: Europe now scrambles for guns." How true is this?
by cappytan ina year to a year and a half ago, i would have taken this article at face value and believed it.. now, i realize this article comes from a dubious source.
world news daily has a die-hard right-wing bias.
so, in an effort to get real information, i'm asking my european exjw's, is this article all true?
Ever wonder why Sweden has the highest number of rapes per captia in the Western world and second highest amount of rapes in the entire world right after South Africa and Lesotho? Think it has anything to do with immigration from third world countries? Na, that can't be. Must be the fault of the native citizens., let's look at your own source and see what it has to say....
In 2012, Sweden had 66 cases of reported rapes per 100,000 population, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå).[234] This was unequivocally the biggest number reported to the UNODC in 2012.[235] However, widely differing legal systems, offence definitions, terminological variations, recording practices and statistical conventions makes any cross-national comparison on rape statistics difficult,[236][237][238][239] which is why the UNODC itself caution against using their figures.[235] It should also be noted that many countries do not report any rape statistics at all to the UNODC,[240] and some report very low numbers, despite studies that indicate otherwise.[241][242]
The Swedish police record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.[236][239][243] Sweden also has a comparatively wide definition of rape.[236][237][238] This means that more sexual crimes are registered as rape than in most other countries.[237] For example, in 2005 Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider,[236][244][245][246] which led to a marked increase in reports.[247][248] Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to decrease the number of unreported cases.[236][248][249][250] For this reason, large-scale victimisation surveys have been presented by criminologists as a more reliable indicator of rape prevalence.[236][237][238] An EU-wide survey on sexual violence against women, published theEuropean Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in 2014, showed Sweden was only third highest, below Denmark and Finland[251] and a previous assessment by Brå have placed Sweden at an average level among European nations.[237]
In other words.... did you even read the thing you posted to understand it? Seriously, this is like, the 5th time in two days I've seen someone use documentation to "support" their position that completely undermines it. It's you aren't trying to understand the situation, but desperately looking for anything to support your position.
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The Effects of Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage
by cofty invery interesting article on the psychology of sexual abstinence and the effects it can have on sex life after marriage.
it focusses on an evangelical group for single men called "the river" but the attitudes will be familiar to born-in jws.. ___________________________.
..respondents had been told, since they were young, that women were nonsexual.
People who want until marriage to have sex have a much lower divorce rate than those who engage in premarital sex.
The second link is about young teens having sex, particularly when it is unwanted, not about pre-marital sex in particular.
The third link is about a variety of factors such as how many partners, whether or not someone was into hooking up, whether or not they were faithful, to determine the quality of a marriage partner, not about pre-marital sex is particular.
Seriously, do people think no one will read their links and notice the claims don't match reality?
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Why Do You No Longer Believe in God?
by Tenacious ini know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
Why Do You No Longer Believe in God?
by Tenacious ini know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
Viv, you asked for an example of a computer program that evolved and i provided a list
No, I didn't.
I really dont get why you interact the way you do with people on this forum
Are you happy?
Incredibly so. What does that have to do with you not answering my question or understanding things?
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Why Do You No Longer Believe in God?
by Tenacious ini know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
Why Do You No Longer Believe in God?
by Tenacious ini know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
That is off course, provided that their belief is not actually damaging you personally.
Yet you recently spoke on others behalf to tell them how to behave and that they were miserable.
What I am saying is that there needs to be respect for the belief of others.
Do you respect the beliefs of NAMBLA? Anti-vaxxers? Religious people who deny their children life saving medical care?
If you take it, and they demand your proof, then I believe you own it to your ideals to provide it.
Of course. Who has said otherwise?
I am not saying that is what you are doing cofty, but in such cases, the respectful thing to do is to drop your evidence and let others draw their conclusions.
Why is it respectful to deny evidence and reality?
That is exactly what I am talking about. Your standards needs to be everyone else's standards. Unless of course you need to bash someone. Then the standards are out the window.
Huh? I asked why I should expect others to require evidence but not need it myself. You're off in makes-no-sense land rambling.
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