How does that feel?
Potent, unlike your god, who, of course, is impotent.
You must be a terribly sad person day and night to let your mouth say such things as if they are just mere social banter.
Oh, no dear, this isn't social banner. I don't discuss how impotent your god is in polite company, only with those blustering about how tough their do-nothing impotent Viagra poster boy is.
If only you were under someone who could reteach you the law of God the right way.
Well, you've already fantasized about beating me and forcing your mouth on me against my will (that's sexual assault, BTW), so it doesn't surprise me that you would want to put a man in a position of power over me to tell me how impure I am because I have my period, at least according to your god who was so impotent he couldn't stand a woman on her period, the way he made her.
Not all science is wrong, but your feint knowledge in it is evil. But you already know this.
Try that again and have it make sense this time. As it is, it's rather limp and impotent, like you-know-who.
Oh, and it's your by the way. You must be hard pressed in your arrogance to make that type of mistake.
Actually, since you're quoting me, you should have written that as "it's 'your', by the way", with proper quotations and a comma. Next time you, a man who fantasized about beating a woman, sexually assaulting her and forcing her to learn how much lesser she is under the tutelage of an impotent man, tries to smugly correct someone, at least try to make sure you aren't making two mistakes when you do it.
It just makes your comment so godly when you do that. By "godly", of course, I mean impotent.