Hi cryto...a question;..are you directed to take this course of action by your own volition, or by some other influence?
If you fail in your quest , who would be responsible for that?
Best wishes.
christians, should i attend kingdom hall meetings to discreetly "preach" to jws about the real jesus and the lies of the watchtower?.
i plan to go undercover and plant seeds into them.. .
Hi cryto...a question;..are you directed to take this course of action by your own volition, or by some other influence?
If you fail in your quest , who would be responsible for that?
Best wishes.
an elderly driver crashed into a park bench in mandurah, western australia today where 3 jws were sitting.
they had set up their jw cart and their literature was also strewn across the ground.. one of the jws was seriously injured with head injuries.. what a freak accident this is.. .
The guiding and protective hand of jehovah hasn't left the new jw broadcasting studio, he's so chuffed he's hanging around !!!
The OP makes the connection with hate and shunning very clearly.
Who would argue that shunning loved ones or those that have a different opinion of belief is not a loving action?
They may argue that they are being loving thereby exalting the GB above their family or others , but imo that misguided reasoning is closer to being hateful.
I am on the receiving end of it.
aawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
The cause of these activists is correct imo , history has shown it's the strength of the activism that can produce resuls eg;..Nelson Mandela, British poll tax etc.
The severity of the consequences of having been a jw can also account for the degree of protest, does anyone know these individuals story ? It may be their protest has had a healing effect.
I always make a point of imparting some ttatt at the trolley/cart stance, some chat others are visibly agitated , I hope I leave them with something to think about.
Perhaps a stronger approach at these street /public places where jws are would be more pro active.
I cant however condemn the actions of the activists in the vidio and I don't give a rats arse about how the JWs view them!!!
as part of my deconversion catharsis, i have been building a(nother) website to highlight some of the more ridiculous jw beliefs.
im a looong way from done, but i wanted some early feedback on one article: dinosaurs.
These people dishing out this convoluted drivel cannot be taken seriously.
They are forever hedging their bets, why?
Because their world of hypocritically dished out misinformation would come crashing down if they actually conceded the fact that their take on dinosaurs or the evolution of living things and corresponding timescales is childish , deliberately deceptive , and relies on the capitulation of their brainwashed adherents.
Shame on their glaring hypocrisy!!!
a scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
Education and democracy, used to promote and maintain standards to which benefit not degrade our society must always be the goal of a fair and just society.
The screening of the intentions of immigrants must be thorough.
The laws against crimes of abuse of any sort perpetrated by anyone against anyone should be rigorously enforced, no one should be exempt.
Punishment must be seen to fit the crime.
Then there's always the gun and vigilantism.
people stay jehovah's witnesses for several reasons.
the foremost is because they are taught that they could cheat death and not have to die or even better yet not have to get old.
the second is they can see their dead relatives again , who have a direct pass to paradise, and that we must obey to get there to see them in the resurrection.
Turning the picture to the right will reveal an old guy with a beard and white curly hair in the cloud formation,
Not subliminal but just a cloud face ?
great stuff.. .
overwhelming credentials.
25 does the faithful and discreet slave class have any more credentials?
I would definitely say that's a huge list of discreetness !!?( if there's such a word )
people stay jehovah's witnesses for several reasons.
the foremost is because they are taught that they could cheat death and not have to die or even better yet not have to get old.
the second is they can see their dead relatives again , who have a direct pass to paradise, and that we must obey to get there to see them in the resurrection.
Is god wondering.. who built the stone bridge with an arch using design technology by the ancient pagan mason architects!!?
once upon a time, there was a world in flux, undergoing change and diversity at an imperceptible pace.
only with hindsight was it possible to catalogue the various paths being born that led to a word and humanity so very different one hundred years later than compared to any time in the homo sapiens past.. technology, warfare, the universe, the discovery of atoms... born in stars, all things forced upon the fragile minds of mortals in a short period of time.. these overwhelming changes led to the birth of many things, including comforts and hopes that were far to readily available to grasp ahold of.
as the founders of these comforts could not themselves grasp the world they found the self in, they sought the worlds they knew, the past, 4000 years in the past......the technicalities and truths were to be ironed out at another time, a time never reached.. some had no choice in the matter, the grasping was done by their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents.....when the time came for personal analysis, not only had they inherited comfort but great, great fears.
Knowing truth as opposed to a jw contrived truth paradoxically a falsehood, surely brings comfort.
Best wishes.