lisa rose I agree , but i dissagree that creationism is religion. If you want my 2 cents on it see my previous posts.
phizzy I agree facts do need proof , although you could argue FACTS are indeed facts LOL . I would not agree that a teacher should teach lies or suppositions as truth .That teacher should be held to account for it ,and in my view struck off!
About your flat earth example , no one would agree it should be taught as true, but would you not allow it to be known in a history lesson about ancient beliefs I.E. why would you exclude it?
Creationism cannot surely be equated to ancient belief in a flat earth, why because we all exist (fact) and our existence came about by some process . The learning about this process is what education is, for EVERY point of view or theory should be up for discussion. The whacky nutcase ones can be discounted very quickly by sound reasoning On no account should lies be taught as fact.