Now lets all be pals..THATS THE SPIRIT !!! ANYONE FOR THE PUB
JoinedPosts by galaxie
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Hi kate;...Higher order abstractions Mmmmmm ? Idealogical guesswork, wishful thinking in a higher order way? Or...
Concrete, evidence facts positive explanations, feasable conclusion .
In which way would most people prefer things to be explained?
Spirit is oxygen keeps the rose and us alive. When it's gone we're all gone ....end of spirit!
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
How Many Had Chronic fatigue syndrome?
by OnTheWayOut inchronic fatigue syndrome refers to severe, continued tiredness that is not relieved by rest and is not directly caused by other medical conditions.. did you have many congregation members, particularly pioneers, that said they had " chronic fatigue syndrome" ?.
that's their "get-out-of-jail-free card.
" they were free to cancel anything at anytime and it was their legitimate reason for not doing anything that didn't involve field recruiting.
Sorry I'm too tired to think about it, maybe tomorrow...Yawn I'm off to bed nite nite
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
SPIRIT to a human body is simply the air we breath, as gas (petroleum) is to an engine.
Cut of the supply to either and the consequences are obvious.
Its the efficacy of the oxygen on all our vital organs which stimulates our brains which seem to have the ability to conjure up the kind of woo woo non...sense which supernatural believers come up with.
In my humble opinion of course.
Any ideas for my return visit?
by KateWild ini had a really fun day today.
i went to town on first call to witness to the jws on the trolley outside the main train station in the city.
i had prepared two different presentations depending on whether or not the jws knew me.. if they knew me i planned to tell them how unjust my last jc was and that i didn't believe jehovah cared about me or anyone, and if they didin't know me i would just question them about their disfellowshipping policy.
Yes kate your correct of course. What I meant by ' lovely people' was really in the context of the individual I was speaking to who found it so easy to dismiss me so readily.
It was obvious that he didn't see me as worthy of further conversation.
Any ideas for my return visit?
by KateWild ini had a really fun day today.
i went to town on first call to witness to the jws on the trolley outside the main train station in the city.
i had prepared two different presentations depending on whether or not the jws knew me.. if they knew me i planned to tell them how unjust my last jc was and that i didn't believe jehovah cared about me or anyone, and if they didin't know me i would just question them about their disfellowshipping policy.
Hi kate yes they are manned by different cogs, I have a chat with them whenever I pass going for the train or bus.
The last chat I had went like this; me..hi how are you(a brother holding out the awake) he; hello would you like our magazine? Me;you're not from around here(I could tell by his accent)he; no I'm from south africa . Me how long have you lived here? He; twelve yrs .Me; why did you leave sth africa He; it was very repressive regime . Me; wait till the great tribulation. He(surprised)..oh have you read our literature? Me; yes I'm a baptised witness(longtime lapsed) .He;oh what congregation? Me; none I no longer agree with the organisation. He;..nice to talk with you bye.
Lovely people,....NOT!!!!
My apologies to everyone.
by DATA-DOG ini just wanted to openly apologize to anyone that i have ever offended on this website.
i have been thinking about this lately.
we all seem to go through the same various stages of learning ttatt, anger, sorrow, frustration, bible champion, agnostic, atheist, ect.
Hey D.D All human beings have an A ...hole its keeping it out of sight which can sometimes be the problem LOL.
I'm as guilty as any.
Best wishes
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
OH DEAR Jgnat you'll just have to take the ommission in good SPIRIT LOL !
Trinitarians! Who is Jesus Christ's father the Holy Spirit or the Father?
by booker-t inthis is one question that trinitarians try to avoid because they have created a very embarrassing problem.
the bible is very clear when the angel tells mary that holy spirit will overshadow her and she will become pregnant.
the angel does not say the father will overshadow her but the holy spirit will and if the holy spirit is a person that would make him the father of jesus.
Christian contradiction perpetuates the myth,
Consign to trash!!